We shouldn't focus on a single one, as all of them are important, but we should prioritise them and pick the more important to do first, and let the othersĀ after step #2 is finished in its first iteration.
Acceptance Criteria
The outcomes of this step are:
- Having validated with the SIG members that the chosen deployment is representative to their needs.
- At least one successful deployment of and OS + Changes (using Ansible, SALT, etc.) using a reproducible and scalable method.
- Being able to install OpenHPC by hand on the installation above and run the same base tests are produced in step #0.
Step #2: OpenHPC deployment
Once we can quickly deploy CentOS/SLES (and potentially other) images on demand, and successfully install OpenHPC by hand using the instructions produced in step #0, we need to work on how to automate that deployment.
Engineering Specification
This is not as simple as having OS images on demand because some parameters should be chosen on demand, too. For example, the number of nodes, which toolchain to use, which MPI stack, etc. We also need to understand the difference between setting up an OpenHPC master with TFTP boot process for compute nodes and setting them up directly using the same deployment as in step #1. While the former is more representative of the way OpenHPC works, the latter might be much easier to deploy consistently using the same CI infrastructure.