If it does time out, there is a way to do that with the client, but that requires having your Linaro password as an environment variable and it's not recommended. Contact the admins and they can help you.
After the IP is associated, you should make sure you can SSH into the hopbox via that IP. If you have changed the config as recommended above, this should "just work (tm)":
$ ssh debian@hopbox
You'll then have to create your Linaro user using your LDAP ID:
$ sudo useradd -m -u <LDAP-ID> <Linaro Username>
And copy the SSH key:
$ mkdir -m 700 /home/<Linaro User>/.ssh
$ cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/<Linaro User>/.ssh
$ chmod 600 /home/<Linaro User>/.ssh/authorized_keys
You can add any number of users, for all the people that will be able to access the lab and crate masters.
TODO: Make that setup LDAP aware via admin/user groups.
Creating an Internal Network