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Comment: mrp pre-setup, swapping mrp and jenkins order, adding KEA build issue

This document is specific to the London RedCentric lab, but should evolve to a more generic setup once we have more labs. For now, there are some hard-coded logic in the wiki as well as the scripts, to make sure we can reproduce at least the one lab we have. Once we have more labs, we'll work to automate that using configuration files, command line options, etc.


The network setup step above assumes the same IPs, so everything is fixed. In time we'll use configuration files so you don't have to change too many scripts.

Installing the MrP service

You need to run both KEA and MrP roles to install a fully working provisioner. This can be done via the infra-server playbook:

Code Block
root@hpc-admin # cd ~/ans_setup_mrp/ansible
root@hpc-admin # ./
root@hpc-admin # ansible-playbook playbooks/mrp_setup.yml -vvv -u root

Ansible will start MrProvisioner automatically, so you should be able to just open the URL on your browser (assuming you have a route to the machine's IP):

The default authentication is (admin:linaro), please change it as soon as possible.


  • Network setup for BMC network has conflicting static and dynamic ranges. This needs fixing.
  • KEA is build on the machine every time. This is ridiculously slow but we need KEA 1.2 and Debian only has 1.1. We need to find/create a package.

Installing the Jenkins service

Copy the secret files from our private repo to the Jenkins ansible repo:


If your Linaro login belongs to the hpc-sig-admin group group, then you can directly login, as Jenkins is connected to LDAP, with your email and Linaro password.

BE CAREFUL: Jenkins  Jenkins is not yet using SSL, so your password will be passed plain text. Only use this if you are inside a VPN or on an isolated network.

You may get two warnings when you log in to Jenkins, which can be corrected on the the Global Security screen:

  • Agent to master security subsystem is currently off: Check the box saying "Enable Agent → Master Access Control"
  • Jenkins instance uses deprecated protocols: JNLP3-connect: Uncheck  Uncheck the box "Java Web Start Agent Protocol/3" in "Agent Protocols"

Save the configuration and you should be all set.

Installing the MrP service

You need to run both KEA and MrP roles to install a fully working provisioner. This can be done via the infra-server playbook:


root@hpc-admin # cd ~/ans_setup_mrp/ansible
root@hpc-admin # ansible-playbook playbooks/mrp_setup.yml -vvv -u root

Ansible will start MrProvisioner automatically, so you should be able to just open the URL on your browser (assuming you have a route to the machine's IP):

The default authentication is (admin:linaro), please change it as soon as possible.


