IB perf automation going strong, just finished the Ansible module to parse results into JUnit XML for Jenkins.
- Jenkins' report is a bit terse, trying to work with JSON too, for Squad
- May reuse the same logic for OpenHPC test-suite
Continuing with infrastructure refactoring.
- Benchmark jobs merge pushed, tested and in production
- Other jobs need provisioner client to be fully working
- Kea is now available in the ERP OBS
- This helps us move the lab infrastructure from x86 to Synquacer!
Trying to create VMs on D05 - CentOS, not being very successful
- Machines boot into EL2, virt-builder works mostly
- but virt-install doesn't, which is weird, since it works on synquacers
Huawei working on system and compiler (gcc, llvm) support for their new cores
- Will upstream directly, so Arm can pick up and release on their compiler, too
- Working on v8.1 atomics on MPI libraries, too
- ISVs seem to be finally joining the bandwagon, doing local tests and validation
Work on InfiniBand Ansible automation in the OpenHPC recipes starting now