How to easily run a SCMI server in various Execution Environments
Under construction
Running SCMI server with OP-TEE
Running SCMI server in Secure partition
TBFThe easiest way to test the SCMI server in a dedicated Secure Partition with hafnium and FFA is to built it for FVP Armv8. shrinkwrap provides a easy way to build a FVP Armv8 dev environment with hafnium and default secure partitions. This branch adds a config for building SCP-firmware in a secure partition. All this are still under development and should be considered as a PoC. The compiled SCP-firmware boots in a secure partition and use FFA as a transport layer. The FFA transport layer for Linux is available here.
After downloading and installing schrinkwrap as described in the Quickstart :
shrinkwrap -I build ffa-tftf.yaml
You will have to build a kernel image using this branch and to prepare a rootfs with your favorite tool. Then start the FVP with:
shrinkwrap run --rtvar=KERNEL=<path-to-Image> --rtvar=ROOTFS=<path-to-rootfs> ffa-tftf.yaml
FVP will start and the SCMI server log will be output on [ term2 ]:
[ fvp ] terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
[ fvp ] terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
[ fvp ] terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
[ fvp ] terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
[ fvp ]
[ fvp ] Info: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.bp.flashloader1: FlashLoader: Loaded 64 MB from file '/home/vingu/.shrinkwrap/package/ffa-tftf/edk2-flash.img'
[ fvp ]
[ fvp ] Info: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.bp.flashloader0: FlashLoader: Loaded 3226 kB from file '/home/vingu/.shrinkwrap/package/ffa-tftf/fip.bin'
[ fvp ]
[ fvp ] Info: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.bp.secureflashloader: FlashLoader: Loaded 30 kB from file '/home/vingu/.shrinkwrap/package/ffa-tftf/bl1.bin'
[ fvp ]
[ term2 ] NOTICE: Booting Secure Partition (ID: 8003)
[ term2 ] INFO: Secure Partition memory layout:
[ term2 ] INFO: Text region : 0x7204000 - 0x7219000
[ term2 ] INFO: Read-only data region : 0x7219000 - 0x721e000
[ term2 ] INFO: Data region : 0x721f000 - 0x7221000
[ term2 ] INFO: BSS region : 0x7225000 - 0x72b5000
[ term2 ] INFO: RX : 0x7304000 - 0x7305000
[ term2 ] INFO: TX : 0x7305000 - 0x7306000
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Discovered managed exit interrupt ID: 4
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: SCMI server init start
[ term2 ] [FWK] Module initialization complete!
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: SCMI server init end
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Woke up with func id: 8400006f
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: cmd 0; args: 0, 0, 0, 0
[ 1.859451] ffa-scmi arm-ffa-3: Probed with vm_id 8003 uuid 735cb579-8c1d-b944-8593-61e1770ad8d2
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Woke up with func id: 8400006f
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: cmd 1; args: 1, 0, 0, 0
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_get_channel VM id: 8003 chnl: 1 mem hdl: 0
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Memory Retrieved!
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_get_channel VM id: 8003 ptr: 0x880fa2000
[ 1.868186] scmi_protocol scmi_dev.1: Enabled polling mode TX channel - prot_id:16
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Woke up with func id: 8400006f
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: cmd 1; args: 2, 1, 0, 0
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_get_channel VM id: 8003 chnl: 2 mem hdl: 1
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Memory Retrieved!
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_get_channel VM id: 8003 ptr: 0x880fa4000
[ 1.875634] scmi_protocol scmi_dev.2: Enabled polling mode TX channel - prot_id:19
[ 1.876464] arm-scmi firmware:scmi0: SCMI Notifications - Core Enabled.
[ 1.876576] ffa-scmi arm-ffa-3: invoke_ffa_direct_msg_channel channel_id 0x1003 size 4
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Woke up with func id: 8400006f
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: cmd 2; args: 1003, 4, 0, 0
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_process_msg VM id: 8003 chnl: 1003 size: 4
[ 1.878372] ffa-scmi arm-ffa-3: invoke_ffa_direct_msg_channel channel_id 0x1003 size 8
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: Woke up with func id: 8400006f
[ term2 ] VERBOSE: cmd 2; args: 1003, 8, 0, 0
[ term2 ] NOTICE: scmi_process_msg VM id: 8003 chnl: 1003 size: 8
[ 1.878723] arm-scmi firmware:scmi0: SCMI Protocol v2.0 'Linaro:PMWG' Firmware version 0x20d0000