\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
(Can be filled from Zoom meeting report)
(paste PDF)
Meeting Notes
General guidance:
record all issue numbers discussed as ‘#nnn’ to allow searching on a particular issue across meeting records
record any decisions and actions
Any other note taking is optional
)Joachim Krech
Jonatan Antoni
Daniel Brondani
Teo Mahnic
Eric Finco
Evgueni Driouk
Reinhard Keil
Petr Hradsky
Tarek Bochkati
Meeting Notes
CMSIS Solution Extension API #118
NPM registry will be updated to version 1.45.0 upon extension (pre-)release
Tools Roadmap
High Level Debug Architecture
Issues for Review
devtools #1868
cmsis-toolbox #220
cmsis-toolbox #219
generator-bridge #PR96
No meeting next week!
Next meeting on 2024-12-17