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All session videos from Connect will be posted publicly on the LinaroOrg YouTube page and our Resource page. These recordings and slides are uploaded to the Resource page within 1 week of LVC21 ending and the Linaro Youtube at the end of each day for LVC21F (Live sessions will not be available on Resource page until the following week). These links may also be shared on Linaro social media pages. If you are speaking about anything confidential or anything that should not be shared publicly, please alert us as soon as possible by emailing 


Please read this article which goes over the details of the Speaker Hub 




recording your session

Speakers are asked to pre-record their sessions before the event. These pre-recorded sessions will then be broadcast at the scheduled date and time. Speakers will still be required to be online to answer questions during their broadcasted session time. You can also turn on your camera and mic to answer questions at the end of your session if your pre-recorded video is shorter than 25 mins and leaves enough time for this. 


Please make sure your camera is on and your video is on and showing while you present your slides and pinned in the top corner. one of the corners of your slides

Many people use Zoom or Google Hangouts or Powerpoint for this. You can use whatever recording tool you're comfortable with.


Pre-recording deadlines

  • September 1 EOD to send us upload your completed video file file to PINE via SpeakerHub
  • September 1 EOD to upload your slides to PINE via SpeakerHub


Video Conferencing Guide for your session


  1. Check your session and speaker details in the PINE Speaker Hub
    1. Confirm date and time scheduled for your session works for you. Make sure you’re viewing in the correct timezone. If you need to move your session date or time, please email as soon as possible. 
    2. Please make sure session title, abstract, and speaker details (photo, bio, title) are correct
    3. Check that all co-speakers are listed
  2. Make sure you are registered for Linaro Connect via Eventbrite 
  3. Create your presentation slides. Make a copy of the Google slides template (if you are not an employee you may use the template of your choice, but the Linaro Connect slide template is preferred). When you save your presentation, please save as a PDF and include your session number in the document name.  Example: "Upstreaming 101 - LVC21D-204
  4. Complete your slides by September 1 latest
    1. Upload your final presentation to the PINE platform via the Speaker Hub. Please upload as a PDF. This will allow us to have your presentation and video uploaded to the Connect Resources page sooner. Follow instructions below to upload your slides as a PDF to PINE via the speaker hub.
  5. Make sure you are able to login to the PINE SpeakerHub 
  6. On the scheduled day and time of your presentation, go backstage - check your setup, then Present at Linaro Connect!a few minutes before your session is due to start and wait for the Linaro Moderator to join.
    1. Pre-recorded session walkthrough video 
    2. Live session walkthrough video
  7. Your pre-recorded video will be broadcast while you interact with attendees in the chat area. (Approved live presentations will go live at scheduled date and time and you can answer questions at the end if there's time) 
  8. Share your presentation on Linkedin and other social media, etc. from our Resource Page using Linaro hashtags #LVC21F#LinaroConnect !