Edit the /etc/hosts
file across all the nodes and add the ipaddress and hostname (nodenames). If the hostnames are not right, change them in /etc/hosts file
$ sudo adduser zookeeper
Create zookeeper user
Configure zookeeper
To make an ensemble with Master-slave architecture, we needed to have odd number of zookeeper server .i.e.{1, 3 ,5,7....etc}.
Now, Create the directory zookeeper
under /var/lib
folder which will serve as Zookeeper data directory and create another zookeeper
directory under /var/log
where all the Zookeeper logs will be captured. Both of the directory ownership need to be changed as zookeeper.
Edit zoo.cfg and the below
$ vi zoo.cfg |
Now, do the below changes in log4.properties
file as follows.
$ vi log4j.properties |
zookeeper.log.dir=/var/log/zookeeperzookeeper.tracelog.dir=/var/log/zookeeperlog4j.rootLogger=INFO, CONSOLE, ROLLINGFILE |
$ /home/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.13/bin/zkServer.sh status |
Zookeeper Service Status Check.
In Zookeeper ensemble If you have 3 nodes, out of them, one will be in leader mode and other two will be in follower mode. You can check the status by running the following commands. If you have just one then it will be standalone.
Install Pre-requisites for Build
Setup environment
To build .deb package
To build .deb package <This still fails, working on it>rpm package
After successful compilation. Edit your computer /etc/hosts file and make sure that the loopback is commented. e.g. and replace with your host <IP-Address>