Setting up the hpc-admin node
The hpc-admin node will be the physical server hosting the MrProvisioner and Jenkins services for the HPC lab.
The baremetal installation is : a Debian9 (stretch) hosting the two services using KVM/QEMU for the moment (migration to Docker/Containers will be possible when MrP support for containers is production ready.)
Install Debian as you normally would for a server, do care to install the ssh server and to plan for enough space for the Jenkins logs (a bare minimum of 500Go for the Jenkins VM is desirable)
root@hpc-admin # apt update && apt upgrade root@hpc-admin # apt install sudo git net-tools vim bridge-utils qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system virtinst dirmngr build-essential root@hpc-admin # echo "deb trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list root@hpc-admin # apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367 root@hpc-admin # apt update && apt install ansible
You now have a working baremetal server running Debian9 with all the appropriate utilities and tools.
NOTE: To directly ssh in the server as root, you have to add your public SSH key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Setting up the VMs
First you need to setup libvirt's network to have a default internet access via NAT on the VMs at creation.
root@hpc-admin # virsh net-define /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml root@hpc-admin # virsh net-autostart default root@hpc-admin # virsh net-start default # Makesure it worked root@hpc-admin # brctl show # Make sure FORWARD works on reboot root@hpc-admin # echo net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 > /etc/sysctl.conf
Then create 2 VMs : one for MrP, one for Jenkins.
NOTE: FOR THE PRESEED, use the one attached to JIRA issue HPC-115 the one entitled "preseed_replace_SSHPUBKEY.cfg" and be sure to replace it, as else it won't add your sshkey to the root user.
user@hpc-admin $ sed -i "s/SSHROOTPUB/$(sed 's:/:\\/:g' /home/user/.ssh/" preseed_replace_SSHPUBKEY.cfg user@hpc-admin $ mv preseed_replace_SSHPUBKEY.cfg preseed.cfg
NOTE: The pressed NEEDS to be called "preseed.cfg" else the virt-install WILL NOT take it.
root@hpc-admin # virt-install --virt-type kvm \ --name jenkins-hpc \ --memory 16384 \ --vcpus 4 \ --disk size=500 \ --os-variant debian9 \ --graphics none \ --initrd-inject=preseed.cfg \ --location \ --extra-args "console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial"
root@hpc-admin # virt-install --virt-type kvm \ --name mrp-hpc \ --memory 4096 \ --vcpus 2 \ --disk size=20 \ --os-variant debian9 \ --graphics none \ --initrd-inject=preseed.cfg \ --location \ --extra-args "console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial"
Installing the Jenkins service
Add your jenkins-hpc IP to /etc/ansible/hosts under the tag "[jenkins]"
Then :
root@hpc-admin # git clone && cd ans_setup_jenkins // Do put the secret files in the right place : pending upload to private repo root@hpc-admin # ansible-playbook configure-jenkins.yml -vvv -u root
Setup networking so that you can connect to your Jenkins VM on port 8080 (or whatever you set) and login with your ldap account (with at the end).
Installing the MrP service
Add your mrp-hpc IP to /etc/ansible/hosts under the tag "[infra_servers]"
Then :
root@hpc-admin # git clone && cd infra_automation/ansible // Do put the secret files in the right place : pending upload to private repo root@hpc-admin # ansible-playbook playbooks/infra-server.yml -vvv -u root
Then you can login to MrP on port 5000 (or whatever you set) and login with the usual first install login.