This page will be updated during the month and is not final until after the 1st week of March.
Summary of Month
Finish the 2nd draft virtio spec w/ virtio-msg in our fork and publish it as RFC.
Move x86 + Arm demo to a new board to show at Embedded World in March
Several items to make the emulated demo easier for people to run
Stretch: Rebase the Dual QEMU demo to the latest baseline and contain the shared memory usage to only the single IVISHMEM card
Stretch: Integrate the ST A7 Linux + M4 Zephyr virtio-i2c demo
First RFC of spec went out on Feb 25
The demos (hvac-demo) now work on arm64 hosts
Demo container images are published at (for now)
Multiple people have tested the demos and all issues have been addressed
Meeting Notes Feb 13
Only topic of the meeting was spec readiness for the 1st RFC targeted to next week
Bertrand’s PR #5 was well reviewed by Arnaud, Bertrand incorporated the input and Alex merged during the meeting.
Bill created some issues before and during the meeting, these were discussed during the meeting and Bertrand took the action to address them as he sees fit
We discussed RFC format and cover letter
RFC from:
Signed-off-by: Bill @ Linaro, Bertrand @ Arm, Edgar @ AMD, Arnaud @ ST, Someone @ Google ??
Cover letter should point to:
HVAC intro slides
HVAC demo repo or container
Viresh’s kernel tree
Edgar’s QEMU tree
Arnaud’s OpenAMP library code
(Point out that the demos and code bases each use different state of the spec and are not aligned to spec RFC)
AI: Bertrand update for the issues list
AI: Bill to ask for Signed-off-by from: Edgar @ AMD, Armelle if someone from Google can signoff or at least make a statement of interest/commitment to use
AI: Arnaud & Dan to try hvac-demos
AI: Bill to make running a container easier and to publish a container image
Meeting Notes Feb 27
Draft RFC went out Friday Feb 21. RFC to virtio-comment on Monday Feb 24