



Actions from last meeting related to evolution for configuration files:

The pdf doc is available here:

Link to the glossary:

Issues #30, #31, #32 created

Yaml & Json

RK: Need to start creating tools: in my view yaml has one feature over json - can add comments.

Discussion on way to make decisions in the group?

FR: my inputs for this YAML topic :

Here are (also) my inputs for templating engine:

LM: Could take Frederic’s benefits as pros

FR: For json can create a key with a comment.

MG: There is “json with comments” that supports //. Find that much easier to use than the key-style comment.

RK: Many tools use yaml as a configuration file format. Ultimately it’s just a vehicle to provide data to the tools.

MG: Worked on a project used yaml and found it beneficial for users to hand edit files. We are moving back to json for consistency with other tools.

RK: Does it matter?

FR: Scheme, path, library? Do we have similar things for yaml?

RK: Is a schema repository. Not sure if we already experimented with that.

JA: Haven’t yet tried it. Yaml can use the json schema store. Worth having a browse to see how the languages are used.

FR: If we use the full features of yaml are we consistent with the json schema?

RK: Don’t think we’ll use all the possible features. Just think it’s easier to edit. Test tools use python a lot. Have positive feedback from packgen tool.

DJ: Using yaml for internal description. Also using json schema for validation. Experience is positive for yaml format.

EF: VSCode is able to consume json file quite easily. Are you able to consume a yaml file when it fulfills the json schema?

MG: Usually people are using libraries. There are a number of libraries in the web stack (Javascript). We found yaml libraries for c++ but not as much as json.

DB: For VS Code, Red Hat provides yaml support. We are experimenting with using the json libraries. Seems quite straightforward if there’s a fixed schema. They are quite similar.

DJ: Yaml format supports comments but not all libraries are able to load a yaml file and dump it back whilst preserving the comments.

FR: Concerns: we select yaml just to get the comments, we end up with something difficult to maintain, even if familiar with python, not so fond of indent-based languages.

DJ: Yaml is generally acceptable for NXP

LM: Do we want to exercise a decision process?

DB: Don’t have objections to use yaml cpp library.

RK: Proposal to use yaml.

EF: ST not completely comfortable to use yaml. Can’t see the consequences for us. ST issues mentioned here

Discussed aligning checking on some kind schema.

JA: Easiest way to work with Daniel and show the schema validation work we are doing. Use Red Hat yaml support.

RK: Propose to cut short the discussion here.


RK: Know that ST has a lot of experience with Freemarker. Any reasons why Freemarker is not the right way?

MD: Quite a powerful templating language

RK: Could you take an action to show it to us.

FR: Does FTL have the same features as Handlebar?

MD: In FTL you have macros. Don’t think there’s a major difference. Freemarker is a classical way to address templates.

Potential Tool Flow - STMicroelectronics

RK: Have other people reviewed it? Should we take the action to review it again.

LM: If there are any other alternate naming then please make them known or if some concepts are missing/overkill. Want to see where we can converge.

FR: Should we use the github issue to exchange views about this document

RK: Will start a new github issue.


DB: Very basic prototype
