(blue star) Participants

Daniel Brondani
Joachim Krech
Reinhard Keil
Holt Sun
Jaeden Amero
Jonatan Antoni
Maxime Dortel
Evgueni Driouk
Charles Oliveira
Luis Tonicha
Eric Finco
Vincent Grenet
Bill Fletcher


Meeting Notes


JK: No comments so assumed accepted. Need to get rid of duplicate information.

VG: Will contribute to it.


JK: What is the approach for this - any volunteers to look into the subject?

HS: Discussing with the IDE team. Should have details of NXP debug metadata this week.

EF: Direction is ok. Need to look more in depth with our IDE people.

JK: Can we extract some commonality across debuggers/IDEs? I will take the action for Arm.


VG: Makes sense to have this kind of information.

EF: Plan to post a new GitHub proposal for describing available hardware on a board.

VG: Another proposal: warning types. Currently Keil oriented with “Arm Compiler-5-like warnings”. Need to revisit this enum. Is it a good opportunity to add to the yaml schema? It’s a chance to have some toolchain independence.

RK: Had a call with IAR to discuss. Would be good to have a user-friendly high level abstraction

VG: How to inform the user of potential compiler option conflicts.

JK: Maybe we can come up with some ways of expanding it.

VG: May need to set up info on ABI for e.g. FPU usage.


BF: Will check for next week if the meeting can transition to Zoom.

Meeting Recording
