(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

Shashi Mallela
Fugang Duan
Jammy Zhou
Bob Zhang
Lorenzo Pieralisi
Adeline Wang
Julianus Larson

(blue star) Discussion topics



NXP I.MX8M EVK vs SolidRun CuBox-M vs SolidRun I.MX8M Plus EVK

  1. SolidRun CuBox-M (3 GB RAM, No PCIe/UART external ports)

  2. SolidRun I.MX8M Plus EVK (1 GB RAM)

  3. NXP I.MX8M EVK (No DSP and NPU)

Figure out which one to buy considering above limitations

Jammy: we also have one more board. Forlinix OKMX8MPX-C. (3 GB, ePCI, UART etc). Documentation exist in English. CIX can provide support as well. Supports Linux kernel 5.19 (with some patches on top).

  • UEFI patches ready for eMMC/SD, ACPI, SMBIOS, USB, UART (pending for submission) - Kernel 5.19 boot with UEFI+ACPI on i.MX8MP - Prepare the initial build environment and flash tool

Copyright issue. Can we have both Linaro and CIX? When this is solved CIX can push to Linaro repository.

How should CIX push code to Linaro git repository? What is the review process? Shashi - we review within the project group.

Project update and status

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9bd90db4-c963-4bec-831c-ce9aa8d93b5fDECIDED7e61a9bf-ae44-4364-b4a1-4ba212c9b1f9Recommendation from the meeting is to use the Forlinix board