(blue star) Participants

Joachim Krech
Reinhard Keil
David Jurajda
Daniel Brondani
Christopher Seidl
Evgueni Driouk
Eric Finco
Bill Fletcher
Matthew Gordon
Petr Hradsky
Matthew Gordon
Holt Sun
Kyle Dando


 (paste PDF)

Meeting Notes

#1093 [csolution] running a generator may require to specify the PackID + generatorID for a unique refernce to a generator

EF: Any update? We believe we need to fix it. Is there a plan date?

JK: Please add a comment here.

ED: Still need pack-based generators or global ones are better?

EF: Part of internal discussion

Topics for Discussion

#1305 cbuild-idx.yml refinement; default directory locations of cbuild.yml and compile_commands.json

EF: What is the conclusion - default vs option?

RK: There is no need for an option

#1306 Document: what should be committed to a repository

#278 GitHub repository as a pack source

DJ: Use of external repositories still being explored by NXP. OK to close.

RK: Please close it.

#279 Provide full, readable and editable "condition" element directly in component and file element

RK: Let us know what needs to be implemented to support this feature. Maybe there is a compromise.

#1293 Improve cbuild console output in quiet mode

#280 Documentation + Schema Enhancements

#275 Limit size of “description” attribute or element

HS: Will review the descriptions to check if they’re valid or not.

KD: Brief description could be what is displayed and long description displayed in float-over

#1281 How to create examples that work across toolchains

KD: Thought we had cdefault in each project.

RK: This would override it.

ST & NXP to schedule a call.

#240 Would it make sense to have an XOR condition?

#51 Make software and licence information associated with packs easier to find

Meeting Recording
