Finish demo for the Xen VM to VM via FFA work
Linaro to replicate the AMD demo on the AMD platform
Finish the 2nd draft virtio spec w/ virtio-msg in our fork and publish it as RFC.
The demo of Xen VM to VM via FFA is done and in hvac-demos
AMD (Edgar) has publish the two board demo software and Linaro (Bill) has duplicated this
No meeting due to new year etc
Notes from Bertrand on mailing list:
Edgar and Bill
virtio-msg device side on STMP157f-DK2 M4 Zephyr implementing I2c controler and device
I created a west yaml file to setup my Zephyr env for virtio-msg POC.
you will find the wzst command in the commit message
AI: Bill to publish spec review requests to list
Spec Review:
All issues and PRs due by: Wednesday Feb 12, (sooner is better)
Discussion at next meeting: Thursday Feb 13
[Editors work to incorporate all PRs and Address Issues deemed needed for RFC]
RFC target: Friday Feb 21
We are looking to do another sprint right before Linaro Connect 2025
This would be Tuesday May 14 in Lisbon
Doing this is dependent on getting 2 or 3 participating / interested members: Arm, Google, AMD, Qualcomm
Others may join as well: ST, Wind River etc
Edgar and Bill
Edgar has publish information on how he is doing the X86 + Arm PCIe demo
AMD has loaned Bill the two boards needs and he has replicated the demo
A new wiki page has been crated to describe and track this demo: AMD x86 + ARM PCIe based AMP Demo
Next steps are to port this demo to the smaller single board solution. Critical path of this is new board bring-up → FPGA design port → new BOOT.bin
FFA work
Linux / Trusty is getting closer
Linux FFA for VM to VM is going upstream and making good progress
Can we build virtio-msg as a module so we could add to existing distro (DKMS etc)