ACPI Device Performance States

ACPI Device Performance States

This page captures some of the new proposals to ACPI to support device performance states.

The changes have been prototyped with Linux kernel DVFS framework and have not yet been discussed on public forums yet.

Device Performance States

Device performance states support is implemented through two optional objects

  • Device Performance Control Object ( _DPC )

  • Device Performance States Object ( _DPS )

If the platform and device support multiple performance states then the above two objects should be implemented for the device.

Device Performance Control Object ( _DPC )

_DPC provides the binding to place the device in a specific performance state along with various metadata.




A package containing performance control information for the device.

Package { NumEntries, // Integer Revision, // Integer NominalPerformance, // Integer or Buffer (Resource Descriptor) NominalFrequency, // Integer or Buffer (Resource Descriptor) DesiredPerformance, // Buffer (Resource Descriptor) DeliveredPerformance, // Buffer (Resource Descriptor) SustainedPerformance, // Buffer (Resource Descriptor) PerformanceDomain, // Integer or Buffer (Resource Descriptor) })



Object Type



Object Type


Num Entries


Number of entries in the _DPC package



Revision number

Nominal Performance

Integer or Register Buffer

Performance level value that corresponds to the highest sustained performance level without considering any contraints.

Nominal Frequency

Integer or Register Buffer

Base frequency (KHz) corresponding to the nominal performance level.

Desired Performance

Register Buffer

Register to write the desired performance level.

Delivered Performance

Register Buffer

Register to read to get the current delivered performance level.

Sustained Performance

Register Buffer

This is an optional object providing OSPM the current maximum sustained performance level taking into account all known external constraints (power budgeting, thermal constraints, power source, etc.).

A notify event will generated by the platform if the sustained performance changes.

Performance Domain

Integer or Register Buffer

This is an optional object providing the performance domain identifier. OSPM can use this to coordinate performance states transition for devices in same performance domain.


All _DPC registers can be in PCC, System Memory, System IO, or Functional Fixed Hardware address spaces.

Device Performance States Object ( _DPS )

_DPS defines all of the supported device performance states for the device.




A variable-length Package containing a list of performance states sub-packages as described below

Package { P0, P1, ... Pn })

Each performance state sub-Package contains the elements described below:





Performance Level

Performance level provided on an abstract integer scale.

The implementation can decide the scale it represents, it can be actual frequencies or in percentage of the maximum performance domain etc. However, the scales must be linear.


Power dissipation in Milliwatts


Performance state transition latency in microseconds



Device(DDR1) { Name (_HID, "LIN0002") // _HID: Hardware ID Name (_UID, One) // _UID: Unique ID Method (_STA) { Return(0xF) } // Device performance states Name (_DPS, Package() { /* performance level(abstract), power cost(mW), transition latency(us) */ Package(){25, 1800, 0}, Package(){100, 1800, 0}, Package(){750, 1800, 0} }) Name (_DPC, Package () { // Num Entries 9, // Revision 0, // Nominal Performance (abstract scale) - Highest sustained performance level 750, // Nominal Frequency (KHz) 750000, // Desired Performance Register ResourceTemplate(){Register(FFixedHW, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFC200000E)}, // Delivered Performance Register ResourceTemplate(){Register(FFixedHW, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFC200000F)}, // Sustained Performance Level Register (Optional) - Current max. perf considering all constraints ResourceTemplate(){Register(FFixedHW, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFC2000011)}, // Performance Domain Index (Optional) 1, }) }

Linux Kernel Prototype

The changes are currently in the following merge request


It contains following changes

  • Prototype implementation of device performance state framework

  • An example implementation of I.MX DDR DevFreq driver with ACPI device performance states

  • Bug fixes to Linux OPP framework

Note: The prototype uses a specific FFH address space for SMC calls and is not part of ARM FFH spec yet.



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