Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2021-08-24
Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2021-08-24
Aug 24, 2021
Joachim Krech
Reinhard Keil
Laurent Meunier
Maxime Dortel
David Jurajda
Petr Hradsky
Joe Alderson
Charles Oliviera
Leo Farfalle
Reed Hinkel
demonstration of using cpackget
- pack add, pack rm, pack rm --purge (explaining the cache for downloaded packs in $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Download)
Question: does the user need to know the full url of the pack version?
Answer: yes, at this point cbuildgen (CMSIS-Build) is generating a packlist file containing the complete url for downloading all the packs that are currently not installed. Cbuidgen uses the index.pidx in $CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Web/… in order to identify the download url.
Action Joachim: point Reinhard to slides and recording of meeting where ST presented “Drivers Features”
, multiple selections available,
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