2018-09-04 HPC Meeting Minutes

2018-09-04 HPC Meeting Minutes


Committee Members 

Kanta Vekaria (HPC Lead, OCTO Linaro)(tick)
Martin Stadtler (Director of LEG, Linaro)(tick)

Darren Cepulis (ARM)  


Andrew Wafaa (ARM)(tick)

Pak Lui (Huawei)


Larry Wikelius (Cavium)

Scott Hara (Qualcomm) 

Steve Geist (Qualcomm)

Hongbo Zhang (HXT)

Jon Masters (RedHat)

Takeharu Kato (Fujitsu)


Koichi Hirai (Fujitsu)(tick)
Kevin Pedretti (SNL)(tick)



David Rusling (CTO, Linaro) 

Andrea Gallo (VP of Segment Groups, Linaro)

Renato Golin, Anoop Saxena (Linaro)


David Lecomber, Brent Gorda, Richard Henwood (Arm)


Ross Miller (ORNL)(tick)
Andrew Young, Ruth Klundt (SNL)(tick)  

Dial in Information

To join the meeting, go to: https://bluejeans.com/8444124406 

Just want to dial in? (http://bluejeans.com/numbers

1) +1 408 740 7256 

2) Enter Meeting ID: 8444124406 

(Try your iPhone or Android phone) 


  • Lustre filesystem
    • Views, issues, concerns, suggestions around Usage and Community


1. Our next SIG meeting is on Tuesday 4th Sept

[1] Agenda: Lustre filesystem
This meeting will be member driven and all HPC SIG members are invited to share their community, usage, views, issues, concerns, suggestions around Lustre. So please don't forget to present your slides.

[2] If you would like your Lustre experts to join the call please forward on or send me the details, I can happily add them on

[3] Things to note: 

  • Slides help everyone follow the conversation and act as a reference especially for those whose first language is not English.
  • If possible please send me your slides before the call so that I can add them here



2. YVR18
[1] If you haven't, please register.   That makes our job easier as we can only add registered attendees to meetings.   For those who have registered, you should start to see meeting invites.  If you have registered and are still not seeing any meetings, then something is wrong, so please let us know and we will fix things.

[2] If you are not attending, but are instead, sending a colleague, then please let us know and we'll make sure they get invited to the right committee meetings.   Of course, your colleague needs to register.

[3] There will be two HPC SIG meetings with agendas as follows:

  • Tuesday 18th:  Continuation on Lustre; Next steps
  • Thursday 20th: All things MPI 

[4] I think that we have the agenda / meetings about right, but if there are particular topics that you think that the we should cover / care about, then please let us know (whilst there's still time).

[5] We hope to have remote attendance set up for those who are unable to attend the conference. I will send a calendar invite out when ready.

3. Pre-Connect Engineering review
[1] It is usual to dedicate one meeting where we go over an engineering review before a Connect. Given that we need to prioritise the above agenda for the upcoming SC meetings, the pre connect engineering review will be sent via email and we can follow up with any questions

[2] We hope to have that ready by end of next week


  • Ross Miller to check OFED version on their server installation. 06/09 we used the OFED RPMs from RedHat (RHEL 7.5) on the x86_64 hardware that we used for Lustre servers (FWIW: On our aarch64 hardware, we used the MOFED stack.  I don’t recall exactly, but I *think* this was because support for the Mellanox Socket-Direct adapters hadn’t yet made it into the RedHat OFED RPMs.)

Lustre Client v2.12 works out of the box. Expected to be formally released end of Oct

Summary of Key goals

  1. The client needs to be functional
  2. The client needs to be performant
  3. The LNet Routing is robust

To achieve 1 and 2 we need to ensure Build CI infrastructure is available and test framework for performance improvements