2023-09 Update
Reworked the Jailhouse IVSHMEM UIO kernel patches to work with QEMU system emulation. (A first step in providing a user space device model using virtio-mmio)
Further progress on RTOS to RTOS virtio by adding I2C and RNG and testing serial on real hardware
The M3 ivshmem mode has been tested using RPMSG
Meetings with the QEMU team about AMP machine and the QEMU QOM refactor
Tested the OE build of OpenAMP CI on ARM64 host (as well as x86_64)
Initial testing the OE build of OpenAMP CI on OE/YP master branch (was on kirkstone only)
Linaro offsite will occupy 1 week of September.
Some additional vacations will occur in September
The plan for Xen has changed. We will not rely on a Xen ivshmem but instead use Xen preshared memory and Xen events
As we are getting close to replacement, don’t put effort into building the kvmtool based demo
ST testing is no longer part of HPP but is in scope at upstream OpenAMP
Presentations & Documents:
Work completed this month