2020-11-12 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Meeting Date:  


Steering Committee Members 





Paul Isaac's, Linaro


Ganesh Raju


Andy Wafaa, ARM


Tony Chen


Takami Atsushi, Fujitsu 


Fukumori Masato


Zhihao Tang, FutureWei


Kangkang Shen


Zi Shen Lim, Marvell


Tanmay Jagdale


Jon Masters, Red Hat


Ben Woodard


Satoru Okamoto, Socionext


Kiyoshi Owada


Sam Fuller, NXP  (error)
Poonam Aggrwal  (error)

Member Guests

Jonathan Cameron(tick)

Meeting Logistics

Thursdays at 2pm UK 


Meeting ID: 949 5702 8075
Password: 857588
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Meeting ID: 949 5702 8075
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Mark Orvek, Linaro(tick)
Andrea Gallo, Linaro


Francoise Ozog, Linaro


Tom Gall, Linaro


Vicky Janicki. Linaro(error)
Kevin Zhao, Linaro (tick)
Victor Duan, Linaro(error)
Don Harbin, Linaro(error)
Randy Linnell, Linaro (tick)


  • Previous meeting minutes:  2020-10-22 LDCG SC Meeting Agenda/Minutes
  • Colo Relocation Update
    • Colocation relocation has begun. 
      • Phase 1 Move of first batch of kit done
        • Configuration of those moved devices underway.
      • Phase 2 Move of second batch booked for November 18th.
      • Phase 3 & 4 to schedule on outcome of phase 2.
  • The way forward for LDCG - Thoughts
    • Conventional Server/Corporate Datacentre
      • Building VMs
      • Application specific service
    • Hyperscaler - Building solutions that are presented as Cloud-native functions and the back-end is hidden
    • Timeline
  • AOB


  • notes here

Action Items

  • @ name action item here //dd-mm-yyyy  
  • <end>