2023-07-11 Meeting Minutes Notes


Jul 11, 2023



  1. ARM64 RAS enhancement

    • ARM64 support Machine Check safe memory copy(ARCH_HAS_COPY_MC)

    • Handle synchronous exceptions with proper si_code

  2. Batched TLB flush support on ARM64

  3. Meeting Slides :

  4. LOD meeting Recording: https://linaro-org.zoom.us/rec/share/qFqrsvW2cOO6KWWIYnWjJ2OVLxSjO5zbtTZHxszRSbKLDESytcnt4RiRJ6WKYQMd.zsZFdFdUjtlTP1RN
    Password: pOg*1?M2














ARM64 RAS enhancement

  1. ARM64 support Machine Check safe memory copy(ARCH_HAS_COPY_MC)

    1. The requirement mainly from the storage case, hardware errors happens mainly during the memory copy between the kernel and user space. The feature mainly handle the memory error of user tasks and kill the task rather than panic the kernel.

    2. Will continue the reviewing on the mailing list,James will help follow.

  2. Handle synchronous exceptions with proper si_code

    1. The use case is in firmware first handling, the APEI handling of this is not ensured to success. This feature will send a correct signal in the abnormal case of APEI handling to avoid hanging task. Will continue the reviewing on the mailing list, James will help follow this reviewing process.

Batched TLB flush support on ARM64

  1. Since already discussed on the mailing list, just a brief introduction to the feature. James will help follow this process on the mailing list.

