

This page is to capture status and progress on Tcl/Tk support for windows on arm.


  • Tcl and Tk changes required to support Windows on Arm are upstreamed and present on core-8-6-branch

  • Tcl and Tk supports native and cross-compilation.

Build from Source

MSVC v142 with ARM64 C/C++ components are required for the build.


  1. Clone GitHub - tcltk/tcl: The Tcl Core. (Mirror of core.tcl-lang.org)

  2. Checkout core-8-6-branch

  3. Run following build commands

cd win nmake -f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=<install path> nmake -f makefile.vc install-binaries install-libraries

This will generate tcl binary and all required libraries and tools


  1. Clone GitHub - tcltk/tk: The Tk Widget Toolkit For Tcl (Mirror of core.tcl-lang.org)

  2. Checkout core-8-6-branch

  3. Set Tcl directory path

$env:TCLDIR="<TCL Installation Path>"

4. Run the following build commands

cd win nmake -f makefile.vc INSTALLDIR=<install path> release install

This will generate Tk libraries

Binary availability and CI