Yocto Generic Arm64 Image Testing


Yocto Project has introduced so called “genericarm64” machine definition with kernel and BSP supporting multiple ARM64 devices like ARM System Ready compatible ones.
Upstream Yocto Project has one named maintainer Ross Burton from ARM maintaining the “genericarm64” machine builds. Multiple distro variants and images are compiled for all yocto standard machine definitions. These include poky tiny (musl instead of glibc, sysvinit), poky (sysvinit with glibc) and poky altcfg (glibc, systemd) distro variants and core-image-base, core-image-minimal, core-image-images-sato and core-image-ptest images with different set of packages installed.

Also, support for compiling and running yocto internal tests on native arm64 machines is slightly lagging behind x86_64.

In this project, @Mikko Rapeli is added as upstream Yocto Project maintainer for “genericarm64” machine definition to support Ross Burton. Focus is on broadening device support from current qemu and TI beagleplay to initially at least AMD KV260 and automating testing of the supported AMD KV260 device with help of Linaro infrastructure, ONELab and LAVA. Once AMD KV260 support is working well, support for more devices available in Linaro ONELab can be added.


Add AMD KV260 support to poky genericarm64 images.

Fix tetss on AMD KV260.

Automate testing of AMD KV260 with Lava/ONELab.

Current Plan





Active Members

Project Meetings

  • Project meeting Tuesdays 12:00 - 13:00 CET

Project Contacts

  • Project lead: @Ilias Apalodimas

  • Project manager: @julianus.larson

Source Code

  • link to github/gitlab repos

  • Link to CI loops

  • Documentation/wiki pages/highlights