Enhancing Neoverse kernel for OpenBLAS Single thread vs multi-thread
No response to Jira card from Systems group so far regarding use of D05 in LAVA
Looking at TVM book
2.9.0-rc2 released, only 1 unit test exclusion left which is caused by use of old libm mandated by manylinux2014
Updating Jenkins job config to allow building with TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPT=1
Looking at oneDNN/ACL unit test failures and categorising them. Some are simply unimplemented but not returning correct status, some are needing a little more tolerance.
There is a new PR for an issue that is causing excess memory usage with multiple threads and oneDNN/ACL. Google are looking to see if it can be merged and then cherry-picked into 2.9.0