Versions Compared


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Comment: Added notes on CDC issues with 0246


  1. Optional: Setup access for local IP/host

    If you are running lava on a machine with a fixed IP (eg: a dedicated computer on your local network) you will want to modify the  overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/settings.conf file to allow access.  You'll want to modify the ALLOWED_HOSTS line to add the ip or hostname of the machine.  In the example below, the ip was added, you'll want to keep and localhost .

    Code Block
        "HTTPS_XML_RPC": false,
        "MOUNT_POINT": "/",
        "STATIC_URL": "/static/",
        "ALLOWED_HOSTS": ["", "", "localhost"],
        "CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE": false,
        "SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE": false,
        "EVENT_NOTIFICATION": true,
        "EVENT_TOPIC": "lava-server",
        "INTERNAL_EVENT_SOCKET": "tcp://lava-publisher:5557"

  2. Optional: Add the proxy settings in lite-lava-dispatcher and ser2net images

    It might be required to define proxy setting in lite-lava-dispatcher/Dockerfile and ser2net/Dockerfile

    Code Block
    ENV http_proxy=http://<user>:<pwd>@<proxy>:<port>
    ENV https_proxy=http://<user>:<pwd>@<proxy>:<port>

  3. Optional: Configure DNS in /etc/docker/daemon.json

    Get host DNS 

    Code Block
    nmcli dev show | grep 'IP4.DNS'

    Set reported value in /etc/docker/daemon.json

    Code Block
        "dns": ["w.x.y.z"]                                                                           

  4. Run commands to build docker images and startup lava

    Code Block
    docker-compose build

    You'll see output of docker fetching and building the images, and then all LAVA containers starting up, followed by a fair amount of logging from LAVA itself as it starts up.  This may take a few minutes to complete.

    Here are some examples of the output one can expect during this phase:

    • Docker Compose/Build Phase

      Code Block
      galak@ubuntu:~/lava-docker-compose$ make
      docker-compose up
      Creating volume "lava-server-pgdata" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-devices" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-health-checks" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-joboutput" with default driver
      Pulling db (postgres:11.2-alpine)...
      11.2-alpine: Pulling from library/postgres
      bdf0201b3a05: Pull complete
      365f27dc05d7: Pull complete
      bf541d40dfbc: Pull complete
      823ce70c3252: Extracting [========>                                          ]  4.194MB/25.04MB
      a92a31ecd32a: Download complete
      83cc8c6d8282: Download complete
      7995b9edc9bf: Download complete
      7616119153d9: Download complete
      b3f69561e369: Download complete

    • Lava containers being created

      Code Block
      Creating lava-server-db  ... done
      Creating lava-dispatcher ... done
      Creating lava-ser2net    ... done
      Creating lava-publisher  ... done
      Creating lava-master     ... done
      Creating lava-logs       ... done
      Creating lava-server     ... done
      Creating apache2         ... 

    • Lava starting up

      Code Block
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0012_namedtestattribute_metadata... OK
      lava-server        | .
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0013_buglinks... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0014_xaxis_maxlength_increase... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0002_auto_20140917_1935... OK
      lava-logs          | .
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0003_auto_20140926_1208... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0004_imagereportchart_is_delta... OK
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,522   DEBUG [BTSP] Checking master [lava-master:5556] to create socket for lava-dispatcher
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,524   DEBUG [BTSP] socket IPv4 address:
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,525    INFO [BTSP] Greeting master => 'HELLO_RETRY' (using the same version?)
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0005_imagereportchart_chart_height... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0006_auto_20141028_1146... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0007_imagereportchart_chart_visibility... OK
      lava-server        | .
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0008_imagechartfilter_is_all_tests_included... OK

    • Lava idle

      Code Block
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,510   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,513   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,519   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:36,201    INFO scheduling health checks:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:36,205    INFO scheduling jobs:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,651   DEBUG lava-logs => PING(20)
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,648   DEBUG PING => master
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,657   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,549   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,546   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,555   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:56,221    INFO scheduling health checks:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:56,225    INFO scheduling jobs:
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,681   DEBUG PING => master
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,684   DEBUG lava-logs => PING(20)
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,690   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,579   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,577   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,584   DEBUG master => PONG(20)

  5. Verify lava is running

    You can verify that lava has completed startup by trying to connect to the LAVA webserver in a web browser by going to localhost.

    Here's what the startup webpage should look like in your web browser:


You then need to bind your  host certificates to container by adding following line in lava-docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml:

Code Block
    container_name: lava-master
    image: ${DC_SERVER_IMAGE}
    - /usr/local/share/ca-certificates:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates:ro

Then, run the following command in the container and go back to job start step.

Code Block


Code Block
# DAPLink Firmware - see
Unique ID: 0240000048824e45000b700bdd8900418761000097969900
HIC ID: 97969900
Auto Reset: 0
Automation allowed: 0
Overflow detection: 0
Daplink Mode: Interface
Interface Version: 0246
Git SHA: 0beabef8aa4b382809d79e98321ecf6a28936812
Local Mods: 0
USB Interfaces: MSD, CDC, HID
Interface CRC: 0x434eddd1
Remount count: 0

So far unable to get this to work, with job error "Unable to (un)mount USB device: /dev/disk/by-id/usb-MBED_VFS_0240000048824e45000b700bdd8900418761000097969900-0:0" on Ubuntu 18.04, despite the record existingEnabled auto reset mode by creating a `auto_rst.cfg` file while holding the reset button down (MSD command documentation for 0246). Post reset, Details.txt reports "Auto Reset: 1."

When adding a new job, however, the job stalls waiting for USB CDC to appear (60s timeout) and the only way for the test to pass is to manually remove and reconnect the USB cable within the 60 second delay. The CDC device is being passed through to the two docker images, as evidenced by the following commands:

Code Block
$ ls /dev/disk/by-id/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   9 sudo docker exec -it lava-dispatcher ls -l /dev/
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 166,  0 Jun 19 15:25 usb-MBED_VFS_0240000048824e45000b700bdd8900418761000097969900-0:0 -> ../../sdb


17:18 ttyACM0

$ sudo docker exec -it lava-ser2net ls -l /dev/
crw-r--r-- 1 root root 166, 0 Jun 19 17:18 ttyACM0