A playlist resource consists of the following pieces that are defined/managed when creating/editing a playlist:
The title. This should reflect the nature or purpose of the playlist and is required.
Description. This markdown-supporting block is displayed beneath the header and before the resources.
Playlist Epilogue. This markdown-supporting block is displayed after the resources.
Custom Thumbnail. This is the image displayed in the resource card.
Cover Image. This is the image displayed at the top of the page. The title is displayed over the cover image.
Resource Tags. These are required. As with other resources, these tags can be used to group the resource with other similar resources and also feed into which themes the resource appears.
Scheduled Release Date. This field allows you to build the playlist and have it appear at a specified date & time.
Video & presentation resources that form the playlist.
Video & Presentation Resources
In order to simplify management of playlists, there are some rules around public/private playlists.
Whether a playlist is public or private is determined by the first resource added to the playlist.
If it is a public resource, the playlist is public and only public resources can be added.
If it is a private resource, the playlist is private and only resources with the same permissions can be added.
If the public/private status of a playlist needs to be changed, all resources must be removed. This then allows the status to be taken from the first resource that is then added to the playlist.
To add a resource to a playlist, start typing the title of the resource and the picker will list those resources with names that match:
As each resource is added to the playlist, it is allocated a sequence number:
Resources can be reordered by dragging the “six dots” handle up and down. Resources can be removed by clicking on the “X” in the top right corner of the resource.
Markdown Support
In the two fields that support markdown text, the text is entered on the left-hand side and a preview field on the right-hand side shows how that text will be displayed:
The buttons across the top on the left hand side are:
Bold text
Italic text
Strikethrough text
Insert horizontal rule
Insert title 2
Add a link
Insert a quote
Insert code
Insert code block
Add image
Add unordered list
Add ordered list
Add checked list
The buttons on the right hand side control the visibility and size of the two panes.