Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Update link from galak's personal repo to Linaro/lite-lava-docker-compose


Table of Contents


  • A relatively modern Linux system.  This has been tried on Fedora 29 and Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 16.04 (However on 16.04 you need updated python packages, details below).  This has been shown to work in VM based install.
  • root/sudo access on host system.  Root access is needed to add udev rules, install a few utilities, and run the script.
  • FRDM-K64F board

Setup Host System

Install Docker


Use the following link for instructions on how to install docker:

On distributions like Fedora & Ubuntu its recommend to add your local user to the docker group as this will prevent you from having to use sudo to run the docker commands.  You can use the following command to add your user to the docker group:

Code Block
sudo usermod -aG docker <USERNAME>




This document describes how to install and configure LAVA in a Docker containerized setup, as used by LITE engineers for local development and testing. Besides set up of LAVA per se, it also describes how to connect a microcontroller board for testing, taking an NXP FRDM-K64F board as an example. The process can be applied to other boards in similar way.

The document logically consists of 2 parts:

  1. Detailed, step-by-step walkthru of setting up a LAVA system manually for the first time. You are recommended to follow this process at least once to be familiar with the components and steps involved, as well how to troubleshoot them.
  2. A semi-automated setup, which can be used for repeated (re)setups. While this method saves a great deal of time (a new LAVA install can be brought up literally in 5 minutes), it requires some prior experience with LAVA setup and understanding of the steps involved, as well as ability to diagnose and debug any issues. So, the use of this method logical comes after getting familiar with p.1 above.


  • A relatively modern Linux system.  This has been tried on Fedora 29 and Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 16.04 (However on 16.04 you need updated python packages, details below). (For Fedora 32, see this page). This has been shown to work in VM based install.
  • root/sudo access on host system.  Root access is needed to add udev rules, install a few utilities, and run the script.
  • FRDM-K64F board with relatively fresh DAPLink firmware. A rule of thumb is that if when connecting via USB, the boards mounts a USB drive without DETAILS.TXT file, you should upgrade. We try to standardize on version 0246 of the DAPink. See corresponding section for more information.

Setup Host System

  1. Install Docker

    • Use the following link for instructions on how to install

    Docker Compose/compose/

    Install python packages

    ( Note: These need to be installed such that they are able to run as root - either use systems packages or install in root user ( sudo pip3 install --user ):
    Major distributions have packages for pydev >= 0.18 and docker >= 2.0
    For Ubuntu 18.04: 
    • On distributions like Fedora & Ubuntu its recommend to add your local user to the docker group as this will prevent you from having to use sudo to run the docker commands.  You can use the following command to add your user to the docker group:

      Code Block
    • usermod -
    • aG 
    install python3-pyudev python3-docker

    For Ubuntu 16.04:

    Specific action is required because the distro package versions are too old.

    Code Block
    sudo pip3 install -U --user pyudev docker

    If this doesn't work, you need to run the command in "sudo su -" shell.

    Code Block
    pip3 install -U --user pyudev docker

    NOTE: It might require to first export proxy settings in the shell.

    For Fedora:

    Code Block
    sudo dnf install python3-pyudev python3-docker
    NOTE: Use only if you aren't able to find distro packages (or they're very old) for pyudev and docker python packages.
  2. Install Docker Compose

    Use the following link for instructions on how to install Docker Compose:

  3. Install python packages

    ( Note: These need to be installed such that they are able to run as root - either use systems packages or install in root user ( sudo pip3 install --user ):
    Major distributions have packages for pydev >= 0.18 and docker >= 2.0
    For Ubuntu 18.04: 

    Code Block
    sudo pip3apt-get install python3-Upyudev python3--user pyudev docker

    Install lavacli

    Code Block

    For Ubuntu 16.04:

    Specific action is required because the distro package versions are too old.

    Code Block
    sudo pip3 install -U --user pyudev docker

    If this doesn't work, you need to run the command in "sudo su -" shell.

    Code Block
    pip3 install -U --user lavacli
  4. Determine Serial Number for board
  5.  pyudev docker

    NOTE: It might require to first export proxy settings in the shell.

    For Fedora:

    Code Block
  6. udevadm
  7. sudo dnf 
  8. monitor
  9. install python3-
  10. e | grep -
  11. pyudev python3-docker

    NOTE: Use only if you aren't able to find distro packages (or they're very old) for pyudev and docker python packages.

    Code Block
    sudo pip3 install -U --user pyudev docker

  12. Install lavacli

    Code Block
    pip3 install --user lavacli

  13. Determine Serial Number for board

    Code Block
    udevadm monitor -e | grep -i ID_SERIAL_SHORT

    Plug in board, should see some output like:

    Code Block

  14. Clone Git Repo

    Code Block
    git clone -b lite https://gitgithub.lavasoftware.orgcom/galakLinaro/dockerlite-compose.git lava-docker-compose

  15. Install usb-passthrough in /usr/local/bin 

    Code Block
    sudo cp lite-lava-docker-compose/contrib/usb-passthrough /usr/local/bin

  16. Modify  lite-lava-docker-compose/contrib/LAVA.rules

    Replace  MYSERIALNUM with serial number from step 4.

    Code Block
    # Example LAVA.rules for USB passthrough to container
    # Assumes that usb-passthrough script is installed in
    # /usr/local/bin/passthrough
    # Pass all usb devices (TTY, block, CDC) to lava-dispatcher container
    # FRDM-K64F
    ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="MYSERIALNUM", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-dispatcher"
    # Pass TTY through to lava-ser2net container
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="MYSERIALNUM", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-ser2net"

    Change line #8 and #10 to look like:

    Code Block
    # Example LAVA.rules for USB passthrough to container
    # Assumes that usb-passthrough script is installed in
    # /usr/local/bin/passthrough
    # Pass all usb devices (TTY, block, CDC) to lava-dispatcher container
    # FRDM-K64F
    ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-dispatcher"
    # Pass TTY through to lava-ser2net container
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-ser2net"

  17. install udev rule file

    Code Block
    sudo cp lite-lava-docker-compose/contrib/LAVA.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ 


NOTE: Commands are relative to the lite-lava-docker-compose directory from here forward.

  1. Optional: Setup access for local IP/host

    If you are running lava on a machine with a fixed IP (eg: a dedicated computer on your local network) you will want to modify the  overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/settings.conf.d/01-unsecure.yaml file to allow access.  You'll want to modify the ALLOWED_HOSTS line to add the ip or hostname of the machine.  In the example below, the ip was added, you'll want to keep and localhost .

    Code Block
        "HTTPS_XML_RPC": false,
        "MOUNT_POINT": "/",
        "STATIC_URL": "/static/",
    ALLOWED_HOSTS: ["", "", "localhost"],
        "CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE": false,
        "SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE": false,
        "EVENT_NOTIFICATION": true,
        "EVENT_TOPIC": "lava-server",
        "INTERNAL_EVENT_SOCKET": "tcp://lava-publisher:5557"
    Optional: Add the proxy settings

  2. Optional: Add the proxy settings in lite-lava-dispatcher and ser2net images

    It might be required to define proxy setting in lite-lava-dispatcher/Dockerfile and ser2net/Dockerfile

    Code Block
    ENV http_proxy=http://<user>:<pwd>@<proxy>:<port>
    ENV https_proxy=http://<user>:<pwd>@<proxy>:<port>

  3. Optional: Configure DNS in /etc/docker/daemon.json

    Get host DNS 

    Code Block

    Do this only if you are sure you need this. Otherwise, hardcoding a particular (local) DNS server may lead to issues when using another network connection, etc.

    Get host DNS:

    Code Block
    nmcli dev show | grep 'IP4.DNS'

    Set reported value in /etc/docker/daemon.json:

    Code Block
        "dns": ["w.x.y.z"]                                                                           

    Restart docker:

    Code Block
    sudo service docker restart

  4. Run commands to build docker images and startup lava

    Code Block
    docker-compose build

    You'll see output of docker fetching and building the images, and then all LAVA containers starting up, followed by a fair amount of logging from LAVA itself as it starts up.  This may take a few minutes to complete.

    Here are some examples of the output one can expect during this phase:

    • Docker Compose/Build Phase

      Code Block
      galak@ubuntu:~/lite-lava-docker-compose$ make
      docker-compose up
      Creating volume "lava-server-pgdata" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-devices" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-health-checks" with default driver
      Creating volume "lava-server-joboutput" with default driver
      Pulling db (postgres:11.2-alpine)...
      11.2-alpine: Pulling from library/postgres
      bdf0201b3a05: Pull complete
      365f27dc05d7: Pull complete
      bf541d40dfbc: Pull complete
      823ce70c3252: Extracting [========>                                          ]  4.194MB/25.04MB
      a92a31ecd32a: Download complete
      83cc8c6d8282: Download complete
      7995b9edc9bf: Download complete
      7616119153d9: Download complete
      b3f69561e369: Download complete

    • Lava containers being created

      Code Block
      Creating lava-server-db  ... done
      Creating lava-dispatcher ... done
      Creating lava-ser2net    ... done
      Creating lava-publisher  ... done
      Creating lava-master     ... done
      Creating lava-logs       ... done
      Creating lava-server     ... done
      Creating apache2         ... 

    • Lava starting up

      Code Block
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0012_namedtestattribute_metadata... OK
      lava-server        | .
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0013_buglinks... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying lava_results_app.0014_xaxis_maxlength_increase... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0002_auto_20140917_1935... OK
      lava-logs          | .
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0003_auto_20140926_1208... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0004_imagereportchart_is_delta... OK
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,522   DEBUG [BTSP] Checking master [lava-master:5556] to create socket for lava-dispatcher
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,524   DEBUG [BTSP] socket IPv4 address:
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:01:08,525    INFO [BTSP] Greeting master => 'HELLO_RETRY' (using the same version?)
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0005_imagereportchart_chart_height... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0006_auto_20141028_1146... OK
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0007_imagereportchart_chart_visibility... OK
      lava-server        | .
      lava-master        |   Applying dashboard_app.0008_imagechartfilter_is_all_tests_included... OK

    • Lava idle

      Code Block
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,510   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,513   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:21,519   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:36,201    INFO scheduling health checks:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:36,205    INFO scheduling jobs:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,651   DEBUG lava-logs => PING(20)
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,648   DEBUG PING => master
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:38,657   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,549   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,546   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:03:41,555   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:56,221    INFO scheduling health checks:
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:56,225    INFO scheduling jobs:
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,681   DEBUG PING => master
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,684   DEBUG lava-logs => PING(20)
      lava-logs          | 2019-05-09 19:03:58,690   DEBUG master => PONG(20)
      lava-master        | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,579   DEBUG lava-dispatcher => PING(20)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,577   DEBUG PING => master (last message 20s ago)
      lava-dispatcher    | 2019-05-09 19:04:01,584   DEBUG master => PONG(20)

  5. Verify lava is running

    You can verify that lava has completed startup by trying to connect to the LAVA webserver in a web browser by going to localhost.

    Here's what the startup webpage should look like in your web browser:


  1. Add a user

    Replace <USERNAME> and <PASSWD>, if this command is successful there will be no output.

    Code Block
    docker exec -it lava-server lava-server manage users add <USERNAME> --superuser --staff --passwd <PASSWD>

  2. Login in & Create API token

    Now that we have a user created we need to go back to the web browser and login to create an API token.  The API token is used by software like lavacli to connect to Lava's XML-RPC API interface.  To login in, there should be a Sign In link on the top right of the starting webpage.  Or you can try and go to this URL: http://localhost/accounts/login/?next=/ (if you are connecting via a fixed ip/host replace localhost here with that IP/hostname).

    Login Page:

    Now log in with the <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> that were used in step 1 of this section.

  3. Create API token
    Now that we are logged in we need to create the API token.  Follow the steps documented here to create a token:
    Make sure to copy the token value as we will need it in the next step.

  4. Setup lavacli identities with API token

    The lavacli tool allows us to issue various commands to Lava on the command line.  This tool utilizes the API token to authenticate.  It can be configured with different identity profiles.  The command below adds an identity called 'dispatcherlava-docker'.  Then in future lavacli commands we can do lavacli -i dispatcher lava-docker <CMD> <...> Note: if we have lava setup on a fixed IP/hostname you can replace localhost in the URL below with that IP/hostname.  Replace <USERNAME> and <TOKEN> In the command below:

    Code Block
    lavacli identities add --username <USERNAME> --token <TOKEN> --uri http://localhost/RPC2 dispatcherlava-docker 



Now that we've got Lava configured and running, lavacli setup, we now need to add the board to the Lava database of known hardware.  First we need to register the device-type with Lava.  Lava setups a number of known device-types (list of known device-types).  For this example the FRDM-K64F board is a supported/known device type ( frdm-k64f ).  Out of the box Lava is not configured to know about any device types.  Device types are defined as YAML files and Lava utilizes jinja2 templates to describe configurable aspects of the YAML.  Its outside of the scope of this guide on how to create a new device type.

Setup the device type


proxy settings for LAVA (optional)

If you are behind a proxy, you may need to add localhost in your 'no_proxy' environment variable in order for lava dispatcher to resolve it in subsequent commands:

Code Block
export no_proxy="localhost,"

The lava-master container also needs to have proxy settings setup. To do so, copy the env.yaml file from the container into a the 'overlays' directory on the host:

Code Block


mkdir -


Add a board instance

Now that the device-type is registered, we need to create a device instance.  In the example below we are creating a device instance called test-frdm .  

Code Block
lavacli -i dispatcher devices add --type frdm-k64f --worker lava-dispatcher test-frdm


Connect the board


Generate the parameters for the board instance


contrib/ help

Code Block
contrib/ -h
                             [-s SER2NET_CONF] [-u] [-b BOARD_FILE]

command to run
Here we use the serial number ( 0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900 ) and device type ( frdm-k64f ) from before 

Code Block
contrib/ -d 0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900 -t frdm-k64f -u

output from command
Here we see that the -u option reports back the udev rules that we would need to add for this board.  These rules match the ones we specified back in the host setup stage.

Code Block
ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-dispatcher"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-ser2net"

ser2net/ser2net.conf file
ser2net is a utility that allows exposing a serial port device as a network connection.  We generate

Code Block
5001:telnet:0:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-ARM_DAPLink_CMSIS-DAP_0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900-if01:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT LOCAL max-connections=10

board.jinja2 file
As mentioned before the board.jinja2 file provides unique details about the specific board


board_id : serial number


usb_mass_device : device file for USB mass storage device that one would mount.  We use the /dev/disk/by-id so that the name is persistent for the board


connection_command : command to connect to serial port, the port number here matches the ser2net.conf file.

resets_after_flash : Not used/generated - some newer daplink firmware on the FRDM-K64F does not reset after the board is flashed.  If you have such a board you'll need to clear this flag.  The best way to determine if you need this is to try the directions without it set and see if they succeed or not.

Code Block
{% extends 'frdm-k64f.jinja2' %}
{% set board_id = '0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900' %}
{% set usb_mass_device = '/dev/disk/by-id/usb-MBED_VFS_0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900-0:0' %}
{% set connection_command = 'telnet ser2net 5001' %}

Set the device dictionary

Because of the client/server nature of Lava we need to tell the server to update the device dictionary for our specific board with the parameters for the board.  We utilize lavacli for this purpose.  The device dictionary is kept by the lava server and a full dictionary that is composed of the device-type template + the board specific dictionary are sent to the lava dispatcher on every job that is submitted.  Thus any updates to the dictionary for a given board will take effect for any future job submissions.

Code Block
lavacli -i dispatcher devices dict set test-frdm board.jinja2

Restart ser2net

Since we updated the ser2net.conf file we need to send a SIGHUP (-1) signal to the ser2net daemon to cause it to re-read the config file.

Code Block
docker exec -it lava-ser2net sh -c 'kill -1 `cat /var/run/`'

Setup proxy settings for LAVA (optional)

If you are behind a proxy, you may need to add localhost in your 'no_proxy' environment variable in order for lava dispatcher to resolve it in subsequent commands:

Code Block
export no_proxy="localhost,"

The lava-master container also needs to have proxy settings setup. To do so, copy the env.yaml file from the container into a the 'overlays' directory on the host:

Code Block
mkdir -p overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server
docker cp lava-master:/etc/lava-server/env.yaml overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server/env.yaml

Edit the file using your favorite editor to update the lines that define the proxy variables to match your settings:

Code Block
# A dictionary of (key, value) that will be added to the inherited environment.
# If a key does not already exist in the inherited environment, it's added.
# default: an empty dictionary
  http_proxy: <replace with your proxy setting>
  https_proxy: <replace with your proxy setting>

Save the file. Then open 'docker-compose.yaml' in your favorite editor and add a line at the end of the lava-master's 'volumes:' section to automatically copy the file:

Code Block
    container_name: lava-master
    image: ${DC_SERVER_IMAGE}
    - devices:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices:ro
    - health-checks:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/health-checks:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/instance.conf:/etc/lava-server/instance.conf:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/settings.conf:/etc/lava-server/settings.conf:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/lava-master:/etc/lava-server/lava-master:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/frdm-k64f.jinja2:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/frdm-k64f.jinja2:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server/env.yaml:/etc/lava-server/env.yaml:ro

Save the file. Hit ctrl-c in the window where you previously typed 'make' to terminate the docker-compose session, and relaunch it by running 'make' again. Now the file would be automatically populated in the lava-master container.

Starting the udev event forwarder

Some udev events are required to be seen by the lava dispatcher for it to function correctly.  We have a utility that will forward udev events from the host system to the lava-dispatcher container.  This utility has to be run as root to have the proper permission to function.

NOTE: how this utility functions is highly likely to change.

Code Block
sudo contrib/ -i lava-dispatcher

Sending the board a job


p overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server
docker cp lava-master:/etc/lava-server/env.yaml overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server/env.yaml

Edit the file using your favorite editor to update the lines that define the proxy variables to match your settings:

Code Block
# A dictionary of (key, value) that will be added to the inherited environment.
# If a key does not already exist in the inherited environment, it's added.
# default: an empty dictionary
  http_proxy: <replace with your proxy setting>
  https_proxy: <replace with your proxy setting>

Save the file. Then open 'docker-compose.yaml' in your favorite editor and add a line at the end of the lava-master's 'volumes:' section to automatically copy the file:

Code Block
    container_name: lava-master
    image: ${DC_SERVER_IMAGE}
    - devices:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices:ro
    - health-checks:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/health-checks:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/instance.conf:/etc/lava-server/instance.conf:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/settings.conf:/etc/lava-server/settings.conf:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/lava-master:/etc/lava-server/lava-master:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-server/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/frdm-k64f.jinja2:/etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/frdm-k64f.jinja2:ro
    - ./overlays/lava-master/etc/lava-server/env.yaml:/etc/lava-server/env.yaml:ro

Save the file. Hit ctrl-c in the window where you previously typed 'make' to terminate the docker-compose session, and relaunch it by running 'make' again. Now the file would be automatically populated in the lava-master container.

Setup the board

Now that we've got Lava configured and running, lavacli setup, we now need to add the board to the Lava database of known hardware.  First we need to register the device-type with Lava.  Lava setups a number of known device-types (list of known device-types).  For this example the FRDM-K64F board is a supported/known device type ( frdm-k64f ).  Out of the box Lava is not configured to know about any device types.  Device types are defined as YAML files and Lava utilizes jinja2 templates to describe configurable aspects of the YAML.  Its outside of the scope of this guide on how to create a new device type.

  1. Setup the device type

     (Note how we use the -i lava-docker identity we created in the previous steps).

    Code Block
    lavacli -i lava-docker device-types add frdm-k64f

    When running this command, if you get an error such as "Unable to connect: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://<user>:<token>@localhost/RPC2", you need to set up proxy settings for LAVA as described in previous step.

  2. Add a board instance

    Now that the device-type is registered, we need to create a device instance.  In the example below we are creating a device instance called frdm-k64f-01 (the naming follows the Cambridge lab setup:  

    Code Block
    lavacli -i lava-docker devices add --type frdm-k64f --worker lava-dispatcher frdm-k64f-01

    Note: the --worker lava-dispatcher argument in this command is used to specify the name of the Lava dispatcher that the board is physically connected to.  The Lava architecture allows multiple dispatchers to be connected to a single server.  The docker solution we are utilizing is configured for a single dispatcher called lava-dispatcher.

  3. Connect the board

    Back in the Building & Starting up the LAVA Docker images section we mentioned to disconnect the board.  Please connect the board back to your computer.  If you didn't disconnect the board in the Building stage that's ok, please disconnect and reconnect the board.  The reason we wanted the board disconnect until this point is that we wanted the docker container for the lava-dispatcher up and running before the board was connected.  If you remember we added some udev rules back in the host setup stage.  Those udev rules invoke the usb-passthrough utility.  The purpose of that utility is to "setup" the various usb devices (serial, usb mass storage, debug) in the lava-dispatch container.  The udev rules rely on the hotplug event associated with the board being plugged in.  Thus if we plugged in the board before the docker containers were running the containers wouldn't know about the board.

  4. Generate the parameters for the board instance

    Now that the board is connected we need to let lava know some details specific to this board.  In the case of the FRDM-K64F board we need to let Lava know what the serial number of the board is, the device file for the mass storage device, and how to connect to the serial port.  These parameters are specified in a jinja2 template format.  There is a helper script that given the device type and serial number of the board will create or report information associated with setting up the board.  The  contrib/ at a minimum needs the -d (serial number) and -t (device type - matches the lava device type) flags.  We also specify the -u flag in our example to report the udev rules.  Finally there are a -s and -b options to specify the ser2net config filename and board jinja filename.  By default the script will look to modify ser2net/ser2net.conf  if the -s options is not specified and will create board.jinja2 if the -b option is not specified.
    • contrib/ help

      Code Block
      contrib/ -h
                                   [-s SER2NET_CONF] [-u] [-b BOARD_FILE]
      contrib/ -d <DEVICE_SERIAL_NUM> -t <DEVICE_TYPE>

    • command to run
      Here we use the serial number ( 0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900 ) and device type ( frdm-k64f ) from before. We also store board config in the file named frdm-k64f-01.jinja2 (device type, suffixed by board number, in case there can be several boards of the same type).

      Code Block
      contrib/ -d 0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900 -t frdm-k64f -u -b frdm-k64f-01.jinja2 

    • output from command
      Here we see that the -u option reports back the udev rules that we would need to add for this board.  These rules match the ones we specified back in the host setup stage.

      Code Block
      ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-dispatcher"
      ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}=="0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-passthrough -a -d %E{ID_SERIAL_SHORT} -i lava-ser2net"

    • ser2net/ser2net.conf file
      ser2net is a utility that allows exposing a serial port device as a network connection.  We generate

      Code Block
      5001:telnet:0:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-ARM_DAPLink_CMSIS-DAP_0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900-if01:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT LOCAL max-connections=10

    • frdm-k64f-01.jinja2 file
      As mentioned before, the frdm-k64f-01.jinja2 file provides unique details about the specific board

      • board_id : serial number

      • usb_mass_device : device file for USB mass storage device that one would mount.  We use the /dev/disk/by-id so that the name is persistent for the board

      • connection_command : command to connect to serial port, the port number here matches the ser2net.conf file.

      • resets_after_flash : all newer daplink firmwares on the FRDM-K64F do not reset after the board is flashed. So, we set this option to "false".  If you have very old DAPLink firmware and want to postpone upgrading it (not recommended), you can set this option to "true".

        Code Block
        {% extends 'frdm-k64f.jinja2' %}
        {% set board_id = '0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900' %}
        {% set usb_mass_device = '/dev/disk/by-id/usb-MBED_VFS_0240000031754e45001c0019948500046461000097969900-0:0' %}
        {% set connection_command = 'telnet ser2net 5001' %}
        {% set resets_after_flash = false %}

  5. Set the device dictionary

    Because of the client/server nature of Lava we need to tell the server to update the device dictionary for our specific board with the parameters for the board.  We utilize lavacli for this purpose.  The device dictionary is kept by the lava server and a full dictionary that is composed of the device-type template + the board specific dictionary are sent to the lava dispatcher on every job that is submitted.  Thus any updates to the dictionary for a given board will take effect for any future job submissions.

    Code Block
    lavacli -i lava-docker devices dict set frdm-k64f-01 frdm-k64f-01.jinja2

  6. Restart ser2net

    Since we updated the ser2net.conf file we need to send a SIGHUP (-1) signal to the ser2net daemon to cause it to re-read the config file.

    Code Block
    docker exec -it lava-ser2net sh -c 'kill -1 `cat /var/run/`'

Starting the udev event forwarder

Some udev events are required to be seen by the lava dispatcher for it to function correctly.  We have a utility that will forward udev events from the host system to the lava-dispatcher container.  This utility has to be run as root to have the proper permission to function.

NOTE: how this utility functions is highly likely to change.

Code Block
sudo contrib/ -i lava-dispatcher

Sending the board a job

Now that we've got everything set, we can try and send an actual job to the board.  A job will try and fetch a binary to flash the board with from a URL.  How job files are composed is outside of the scope of this guide.  However, we provide an example job file to test and verify that everything is working.  In the repository example/lava.job is a YAML structured job file.  If you look at the file, you'll see a reference to this file will be fetched and flashed to the board using the boot method cmsis-dap (which is specified in this file). 


  • Submit a job

    Note: the second line is the output of submitting the job, with the job ID 1

    Code Block
    lavacli -i dispatcherlava-docker jobs submit example/lava.job

  • See job results

    The job results are available at  http://localhost/scheduler/job/<JOB ID> .  The case above, the job ID is 1, so the URL would be  http://localhost/scheduler/job/1 .  As with all other URLs, if you have a fixed IP/hostname you can replace localhost with that IP/hostname.

    The following screen captures try to give a sense of the output you should see, it's not a complete log of everything you will see, however we do show the final output and passing of the test:

    The start of the job:


You then need to bind your  host certificates to container by adding following line in lite-lava-docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml:

Code Block
    container_name: lava-master
    image: ${DC_SERVER_IMAGE}
    - /usr/local/share/ca-certificates:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates:ro

Then, run the following command in the container and go back to job start step.

Code Block


At the time of writing, the docker-compose configuration is set to automatically start on system (re)boot. However, not all containers comprising the system may start up automatically. You check the status by going to lite-lava-docker-compose directory and running "docker-compose ps". Example output after system reboot is shown below (it may differ for your system):

Code Block
     Name                    Command                State                           Ports                       
apache2           /root/              Up         5500/tcp, 5555/tcp, 5556/tcp,>80/tcp  
lava-dispatcher   /root/              Exit 255                                                     
lava-logs         /root/              Up         5500/tcp,>5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-master       /root/            
lava-logs         /root/              Up         5500/tcp,>5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-master       /root/              Up         5500/tcp, 5555/tcp,>5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-publisher    /root/              Up>5500/tcp, 5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-ser2net      /bin/sh -c echo -n "Starti ...   Exit 255                                                     
lava-server       /root/              Up         5500/tcp, 5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp              
lava-server-db postgres    Up         5432/tcp                                   


      Up         5500/tcp, 5555/tcp,>5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-publisher    /root/              Up>5500/tcp, 5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp
lava-ser2net      /bin/sh -c echo -n "Starti ...   Exit 255                                                     
lava-server       /root/              Up         5500/tcp, 5555/tcp, 5556/tcp, 80/tcp              
lava-server-db postgres    Up         5432/tcp                                   

As can be seen, lava-dispatcher and lava-ser2net containers didn't start up successfully. This usually can be rectified by running "docker-compose up". To bring up the system into a fully functional state, udev forwarder must be started manually too.

(Semi)Automated Containerized Setup

Setup instructions above provide a detailed walkthru on setting up and configuring a containerized LAVA system. They are useful for initial acquaintance with this setup, but include quite a number of manual steps. That gets cumbersome and error-prone when the system needs to be set up multiple times. And one of the advantages of cointainer-based setup is easy tear-down/start-from-scratch cycle, allowing to perform full validation of changes, etc. easily.

To accommodate a faster (re)setup, we have a Makefile targets which allow to make setup and configuration steps in semi-automated manner, considerably cutting on the bootstrap time. These Makefile targets are intended to be treated as "executable documentation": you aren't supposed to run them blindly, but rather read/review them first to understand what exactly they do. This automated setup isn't intended tobe a one-click solution - instead, a small (~5) macro-steps are provided, utilizing Makefile's "multiple entry points" nature. This allows a user to control when these steps are run, and most importantly, re-run to propagate updates to different parts of the system setup. Indeed, the frequency of running various steps is different, as noted below. It also isn't supposed to be one-size-fits-all solution - it's definitely open to further customization by individual users (actually, you need to customize it for your particular boards (USB serial numbers, etc.)).

Workflow with the automated setup:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone (this will clone "lite" branch, which is the default branch for the LITE setup).
  2. Start with plugging your board(s) into USB ports, and use "udevadm monitor -e | grep -i ID_SERIAL_SHORT" command to note their serial numbers. Each number should be put into files named devices/<lava_device_name>.serial. <lava_device_name> is the name of device which will be created on the LAVA side, and should in turn follow <device_type>-NN naming pattern. For example, for a (first) FRDM-K64F board, the file name is devices/frdm-k64f-01.serial
  3. With all involved boards still connected to USB, run "make board-configs". This will create (or update) contrib/LAVA.rules, devices/*.jinja2 etc. files, as described in the "manual" section of this document. You will need to re-run "make board-configs" whenever you add/remove boards, or have serial numbers change.
  4. make install - This will install files needed on the host, e.g. LAVA.rules and passthru script(s). Re-run this target when board set/properties (and thus LAVA.rules) changes.
  5. make build - Build docker-compose images. Re-run if image content is supposed to change (for example, after LAVA version upgrade).
  6. make (make all) - Start up containerize LAVA setup This also takes care of starting any host daemons (like udev forwarding daemon) too. In consequence, take care to unplug devices before this step and plug them back once daemons are in running idle.
  7. make lava-setup - Perform initial semi-automated LAVA configuration - run this once per LAVA setup, then can be run again to update configuration (see also sub-targets utilized by this target). It would attempt to setup all boards (Note: There may be some "soft" errors in the console output if some boards are not being connected and their board jinja files are missing (were not created with "make board-configs" above). These can be ignored if the board is not of interest to you.)
  8. make testjob - Submit a "smoke test" testjob running against a QEMU (follow it at http://localhost/scheduler/job/1)
  9. make stop - Stop LAVA setup (and any host-side daemons).
  10. make clean - Tear down current LAVA setup, losing all data (use make followed by make lava-setup to start again).

Generally, these targets fall in 3 categories:

  • board-configs, install - "host-side" setup, "run once", or whenever things outside specific LAVA container setup update.
  • build - "run from time to time", e.g. when a new LAVA version is released.
  • all, lava-setup, stop, clean - "container-side", "run everyday", use to manage lifecycle of current LAVA container.

Semi-automated setup without hardware boards

In some cases, it makes sense to setup LAVA without support for real hardware boards. In this case, you would be limited to just virtual devices (QEMU, docker), but nonetheless, that may be enough for various usecases. Among usecase for such a setup are:

  • When you don't have hardware boards around.
  • When you install LAVA on a secondary host, where you don't have/need board setup.
  • When you want to check some general functionality of LAVA, not related to handling of hardware boards.
  • When you just get acquainted with LAVA/semi-automated setup, and just want to get something working with minimal extra steps (and thus possible mistakes) to make.
  • etc.

This setup is effectively a subset of full semi-automated setup described in the previous section. What is omitted is the setup of boards and host-side setup required to forward boards to containers, which simplifies the overall setup considerably. Specific (and concise) walkthru steps are:

  1. Make sure that Docker is installed and works.
  2. git clone
  3. cd lite-lava-docker-compose
  4. make (wait until the bring is finished)
  5. (in another terminal window): make lava-setup, follow the instructions. As you don't have configuration files for boards, there will be "soft" errors related to that, ignore them.  
  6. make testjob

Capturing local board configuration for semi-automated setup

Oftentimes, the set of local development boards is static enough, and re-running "make board-configs" steps each time, as described in the section on semi-automated setup, is not needed. Instead, you can generate board configs once, and capture them in your repository, and keep them handy around for future (re)setups. This section describes suggestions and best practices for maintaining such a local setup on top of generic LITE setup

  1. Start with forking repository on github.
  2. Suppose, this will give you (instead of "pfalcon", you will have your own username).
  3. Clone that repository locally with write access (e.g., use ssh access method).
  4. Make sure you are on the "lite" branch: git checkout lite.
  5. Create a branch for your personal setup (replace "pfalcon" with your own username): git checkout -b pfalcon.
  6. Run "make board-configs" step as described above.
  7. Commit any generated configs to you local personal branch.
  8. Afterwards, use your personal branch to run "make all", "make lava-setup", etc.
  9. To pick up any upstream changes, you would need to regularly rebase your personal branch on top of the "lite" branch, which gets regular updates:
    • git remote add upstream (needs be run just once on first update)
    • git checkout lite
    • git pull --rebase upstream lite
    • git checkout pfalcon
    • git rebase lite
    • git push --force
    • (Warning: alway rebase on the "lite" branch, not "master". If you rebase on "master" by mistake, you'll likely get conflicts. Run "git rebase --abort" and retry.)

As an example of this setup, you can see pfalcon's setup:

Setup for development on LAVA master

NOTE: This section is RFC and WIP.

Sometimes, we need to not just use the recent LAVA release as is, but to fix a bug or add new feature to LAVA. This section outlines a (possible) process of making this possible.

Repository structure setup:

  1. In the same parent repository where you cloned lite-lava-docker-compose, clone (or, if you have an active user account on (recommended to submit changes back to LAVA), use "git clone" ).
  2. Besides LAVA upstream repository, the LITE team also maintains own fork repository, used to integrate WIP changes from various LITE developers, before the changes are merged upstream. This repository allows different developers to have a common baseline, and help each other with testing. It's recommended to add it as an additional remote to the clone produced in previous step:

    Code Block
    $ cd lava
    $ git remote add lite
    $ git fetch lite
    $ git checkout lite

Following the setup above will allow one to easily access both upstream tags/branches (master, or particular release), and LITE team's own branches, and switching between branches is often required to contribute back to LAVA.

Using repository above in docker build:

Manual way: Go thru docker-compose.yaml, search for "../lava", and uncomment corresponding sections.

What to uncomment: Almost all our work on LAVA should/would concentrate on "dispatcher" component. Thus 2 code paths (../lava/lava_dispatcher & ../lava/lava_common) should be uncommented for "lava-dispatcher" container. lava/lava_common actually contains metadata about dispatcher components (actions, etc.), which also should be known to lava-server. So, need to uncomment ../lava/lava_common for lava-server. These 3 replaced components should cover majority of work we're doing. Uncomment anything else only if you know what you're doing and sure you need to replace other LAVA components beyond just the dispatcher (in this case, you would likely need to thoroughly replace all components in all containers).

After uncommenting, you would need to teardown the previous container setup ("make clean") and bring up new to include your changes ("make", followed by "make lava-setup"). Of course, this will clear the database and results of previous jobs. The same procedure should be followed when switching branches in the "lava" repository.

Automating dev setup: Manually uncommenting sections in docker-compose.yaml is cumbersome and error-prone. Instead, it's recommended to create a local branch in the lite-lava-docker-compose repo and capture these changes there, then rebase this branch when repo gets new changes. This setup is based on the "Capturing local board configuration" section above, and is a further extension to it. The recommended branch setup for your personal fork of lite-lava-docker-compose is:

  1. Follow instructions on creating a personal fork of the repository, and creating a personal branch in it.
  2. In the fork repository, "master" belongs to Linaro/lite-lava-docker-compose's upstream project (we never push anything there, but may cherry-pick from upstream from time to time).
  3. "lite" branch belongs to the LITE baseline setup. Each developer should be ready that it may be rebased on "master" occasionally.
  4. "<username>" is your personal branch, which captures configuration files for your boards, this allows to easily port your setup from machine to machine, and to track changes to it. E.g.: . You should rebase this branch onto "lite" regularly.
  5. "<username>-dev" is your personal branch for development setup. It contains changes described in this section above, and should be rebased on branch "<username>" regularly. E.g.: .

Related information

FRDM-K64F CMSIS DAPLink firmware versions

Different FRDM-K64F boards in circulation have different CMSIS DAPLink firmware versions, which may affect board's use with LAVA (taking into account that there're different deployment methods - USB Mass Storage Device copying, pyocd, etc.) This section tries to enumerate versions seen, with notes on usage with LAVA. The version can be found via "DETAILS.TXT" file (or lack thereof) on board's emulated USB MSD device after plugging the board into host.

Very old version (No DETAILS.TXT file)

This is considered to be the oldest firmware, such old, that it didn't even version itself. It's recommended to upgrade this DAPLink firmware, to at least get identifiable version of it.


This is version David and Paul originally had. Generally works well with LAVA, but requires "set resets_after_flash = false" in the board template. Later, Paul found that this board with this version has LAVA deployment issues when used on another host computer, documented at resets_after_flash = false" in the board template.

Version 0246

Available at: . .. Download and extract the .zip file and copy file 0246_k20dx_frdmk64f_0x5000.bin to a board in bootloader upgrade mode (plug into USB with Reset button held).

Contents of DETAILS.TXT:

Code Block
# DAPLink Firmware - see
Unique ID: 0240000048824e45000b700bdd8900418761000097969900
HIC ID: 97969900
Auto Reset: 0
Automation allowed: 0
Overflow detection: 0
Daplink Mode: Interface
Interface Version: 0246
Git SHA: 0beabef8aa4b382809d79e98321ecf6a28936812
Local Mods: 0
USB Interfaces: MSD, CDC, HID
Interface CRC: 0x434eddd1
Remount count: 0

Useful link: MSD command documentation for 0246.

Reset udev-forward script

Please stop udev-forward script (Ctr+C) and run the command:

Code Block
sudo contrib/ -i lava-dispatcher