Onboarding Info for BigData team

Onboarding Info for BigData team


Linaro Login service
As first step you would need to add your ssh keys so that you can have seamless access to various linaro resources. Also just logging in first time will activate your LDAP profile


  • Leg-bigdata
  • leg-bd-devcloud-access

Team space

Please update your profile information at:



We normally communicate with google hangout. We also have an IRC channel on freenode - #linaro-bigdataPlease feel free to join. You can reach out and ask questions anytime. Of Course you can email too. All the calls are either google hangout calls or bluejeans conference calls. We use google docs extensively and only use google docs for all over communication and presentations.

Mailing Lists

We have a mailing list for bigdata team. Please subscribe to it.

We also communicate via email on the leg-bigdata@linaro.org mailing list.

You can use this mailing for reaching out to the team on any topic.

There is another mailing list which you are now subscribed to as well: team-leg@linaro.org.
This mailing list is where we communicate with the rest of LEG, across the teams. This mailing list is also used by assignees and employees to send their weekly reports. Martin and Linaro management read this to follow the progress. I would encourage you to also use this mailing list, once you feel you are up to speed.


The big data team portal can be accessed at:


All the documentation of all the work we do are in confluence (Collaborate).


You can see all the Engineering strategy, roadmap, documentations here. 

We also have a wiki page, where we still keep our archived documentation. This will be retired in the future. All new documentation will only continue to exist in collaborate.

Project Management

Work tracking

All our work will be tracked against a JIRA. Any new work should always have an associated JIRA, if not, new JIRA card needs to be created. Most of the JIRA cards are created by me. But, you are welcome to create new one, but please keep me informed. JIRA follows the below structure:


Every JIRA card is a story at the lowest level. Stories can have multiple stories associated to it. Linaro management and Steering committee closely watch at Initiative and Epic level. Stories can be at developer's own detail level.

All the current JIRA cards can be found at:

Kanban board


bug tracking

Bugs tracking is used for tracking any bugs on a released or stable version. Bugs get highest priority work wise. bugs.linaro.org is open for everyone and anyone can create bugs at:

git repo

Linaro git repo can be accessed here:


Every Thursday as you are already aware, we have team meeting to discuss status. OpenJDK team will pulled in as and when necessary.
Every Monday night (7PM PST, Tuesday morning for India and China team), we have a sync meeting with ARM China team. I will invite you for this as well. 
As and when required, 1-on-1 meeting can be setup.
Most of the meetings are setup for 30 mins or less so we can all get back to engineering work.






LEG, who is who

Martin Stadtler (UK), is our Director.
Graeme Gregory (Server Architecture, UK) and Gema Gomez (SDI, UK) are my peers as Tech Leads.
Naresh Bhat is Cavium assignee
Eugene Xie is Tech Lead for Big Data and SDI working for ARM
Jun He is ARM assignee
Yuqi Gu is ARM assignee

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