MCU-Driver-HAL and CI Combined WG Meeting 2021-06-03


Jun 3, 2021


  • Attendees - see list at bottom of document



EF: The existing GitHub structure hosted by Arm remains where it is and accessible?

ED: Yes they remain accessible. We need to discuss as a group how we want to move GitHub discussions.

MH: Didn’t want to move anything to a more open forum without discussing

KC: Have discussed 1:1 with partners and agreed can move things across as the project progresses. Until that time existing repositories will remain accessible.

ED: Reasons for change to combine the two meetings: Now that have moved to implementation, think that most of the technical discussion will now happen on GitHub. Have reduced frequency of WG calls. Should be more interaction between CI and HAL groups. Can readjust if a different format is required.

EF: WG discussion was pretty technical. If we use this (WG) meeting for synchronisation between the projects then I suspect the Weds call will become permanent rather than optional. OK to start as proposed and adapt as needed.

KG: What are thoughts on Greentea? Hasn’t been on previous CI calls. If it has tests then need the tool.

ED: Working to disconnect it from Mbed. That’s the goal.

EF: Concerning the CI set up, from ST side the approach we have in mind to reproduce the setup on ST premises and start to play with it. Do you think the approach described can support it.

ED: Yes. There will be reference implementation in Linaro but up to partners how they want to duplicate it.

KC: Beyond MVP the aim is to have a distributed system.

Actions: Paul Sokolovskyy missed from mailing list. Bill to add.

Next/recurring meetings

Video Recording

