HPC Lab New Users

HPC Lab New Users

To add a user to the HPC lab, the following steps need to be completed.

Linaro Account

The user must have a Linaro account. We will be using LDAP groups and VPN access which require Linaro accounts to be properly setup. Contact HR to make sure what is the correct username (name.surname@linaro.org).

LDAP Groups

In order to have access to the HPC lab, users must belong to either of the two groups:

Usually, admins also belong to the devel group, but this gives them additional benefits in the network, as explained below.

VPN Access

There are two networks in our lab, that are accessible from the VPN:

  • 10.40.*: This is were both provisioner and Jenkins live, as well as all Arm servers.
  • 10.41.*: This is the BMC network.

Users that belong to the hpc-sig-admin group should be able to access both networks, while hpc-sig-devel only users won't have access to the BMC network.

To request VPN, for now, we need to email Jorge. This should evolve to a request of some form, later on.

Jenkins & Provisioner

Jenkins is already using LDAP, so just by belonging to the right group, users will be put either in administrative task or not.

Mr-Provisioner, OTOH, is not. So you need to create a user. There doesn't need to be a one-to-one mapping between hpc-sig-admin users and proisioner's Admin permissions, but the ultimate goal is that this will be the case.

When in doubt, create a regular user, then promote to Admin when necessary.

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