

Running the ssd-resnet34 test on TensorFlow

Ensure the virtual environment is prepared as described in MLPerf Inference


Activate the virtual environment first and then


cd ~ mkdir models cd models ck install package --tags=object-detection,dataset,coco,val # Choose [0] the 2017 data wget https://zenodo.org/record/3345892/files/tf_ssd_resnet34_22.1.zip unzip tf_ssd_resnet34_22.1.zip cp tf_ssd_resnet34_22.1/resnet34_tf.22.1.pb . cd ~/src/inference/vision/classification_and_detection python tools/ssd-nhwc.py ~/models/resnet34_tf.22.1.pb rm ~/models/resnet34_tf.22.1.pb mv ~/models/resnet34_tf.22.1.pb.patch ~/models/resnet34_tf.22.1.pb export DATA_DIR=~/CK-TOOLS/dataset-coco-2017-val export MODEL_DIR=${HOME}/models ./run_local.sh tf ssd-resnet34 --data-format NHWC


Alternatively if you are on a machine in Linaro’s Cambridge colo then you can do this

Mount the NFS drive with the already downloaded data Cambridge Colo data server


export DATA_DIR=/mnt/datasets/data/CK-TOOLS/dataset-coco-2017-val export MODEL_DIR=/mnt/datasets/data/models cd ~/src/inference/vision/classification_and_detection ./run_local.sh tf ssd-resnet34 --data-format NHWC

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