Big Data JIRA status 03 2020
Big Data JIRA status 03 2020
Issue Type | Issue key | Summary | Status | Comments |
Initiative | LDCG-108 | Build, Port, Automate CI, Benchmark Big Data Components | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-775 | Verify build, install, configure and test Apache Knox | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-756 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache Ambari | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-439 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache HBASE | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-869 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache Kudu 1.11.1 | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-737 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache Beam | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-854 | Provide, configure and setup CI infrastructure for Apache Arrow project | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-113 | Establish CI Loops for Big Data Components | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-922 | Build and port Apache Airflow | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-923 | Build and Port Apache Pulsar | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-920 | Apache Drill Workload setup | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-252 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache.org master & stable branches of Apache Kafka | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-250 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache.org master & stable branches of Apache Flink | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-776 | Verify Build and port Apache Atlas | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-797 | Upgrade netty to use openjdk11 | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-793 | Test Big Data components on Kubernetes | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-803 | Improve ARM build procedures for MiniFi | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-810 | HDFS-12822 HDFS unit test failure in AArch64. TestDirectoryScanner.testThrottling: Throttle is too permissive | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-861 | Create docker image for Apache Drill | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-772 | Build, port and test Anaconda | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-774 | Build, Port, Install and Test Apache Ranger | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-794 | Build and test Apache Hadoop 3.2 with OpenJDK11 | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-126 | Big Data Benchmarks | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-758 | Verify build, install, run and profiling of ScyllaDB | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-786 | Verify build, install, run and profiling of ArangoDB | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-788 | Verify build and install of Apache Metron | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-868 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache.org master & stable branches of Apache Phoenix 5.0.0 | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-950 | Verify build + unit tests, install, run and profiling of Apache Impala | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-863 | Test Zookeeper 3.4.9 debian bits | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-935 | Setup CI for Apache Beam project for ARM64 | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-800 | Build, Port, Install, Run and Test Apache Solr | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-805 | Build, Port, Install, Run and Test Apache Parquet | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-811 | Build, Port, Install, Run and Test Apache Cassandra | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-934 | Build, Port, CI for Apache Ozone on ARM64 | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-118 | Big Data Workload Analysis, Profile and Optimise | Open | |
Initiative | LDCG-870 | Apache Bigtop Contributions | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-919 | Bigtop v1.5 release work | In Progress | |
Epic | LDCG-872 | Upgrade Apache hadoop to v3.1.1 on Apache Bigtop | ToDo | |
Epic | LDCG-862 | Add Apache Drill to Apache Bigtop project | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-956 | Build and port Apache Presto | Open | |
Epic | LDCG-949 | SVE and SIMD optimization for In memory Big data components | Open | |
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