2025-01 Update and Notes
Summary of Month
Finish demo for the Xen VM to VM via FFA work
Linaro to replicate the AMD demo on the AMD platform
Finish the 2nd draft virtio spec w/ virtio-msg in our fork and publish it as RFC.
The demo of Xen VM to VM via FFA is done and in hvac-demos
AMD (Edgar) has publish the two board demo software and Linaro (Bill) has duplicated this
Meeting Notes Jan 02
No meeting due to new year etc
Meeting Notes Jan 16
Notes from Bertrand on mailing list: Push to GitHub spec and questions - Virtio-msg - lists.linaro.org
Edgar and Bill
virtio-msg device side on STMP157f-DK2 M4 Zephyr implementing I2c controler and device
I created a west yaml file to setup my Zephyr env for virtio-msg POC.
Add west file to setup the virtio msg demo ยท arnopo/openamp-system-reference@5550793
you will find the wzst command in the commit message
AI: Bill to publish spec review requests to list
Meeting Notes Jan 30
Spec Review:
All issues and PRs due by: Wednesday Feb 12, (sooner is better)
Discussion at next meeting: Thursday Feb 13
[Editors work to incorporate all PRs and Address Issues deemed needed for RFC]
RFC target: Friday Feb 21
We are looking to do another sprint right before Linaro Connect 2025
This would be Tuesday May 14 in Lisbon
Doing this is dependent on getting 2 or 3 participating / interested members: Arm, Google, AMD, Qualcomm
Others may join as well: ST, Wind River etc
Edgar and Bill
Edgar has publish information on how he is doing the X86 + Arm PCIe demo
AMD has loaned Bill the two boards needs and he has replicated the demo
A new wiki page has been crated to describe and track this demo: AMD x86 + ARM PCIe based AMP Demo
Next steps are to port this demo to the smaller single board solution. Critical path of this is new board bring-up โ FPGA design port โ new BOOT.bin
FFA work
Linux / Trusty is getting closer
Linux FFA for VM to VM is going upstream and making good progress
Can we build virtio-msg as a module so we could add to existing distro (DKMS etc)
Viresh thinks it can be and is already done that way in Android.
Spec Review of PR #5:
Bertrand reviewed his version asking specific opinions and made specific notes
Bertrand will publish a new version next week