TMP 2021-08-19 Meeting notes
TMP 2021-08-19 Meeting notes
Aug 19, 2021
@Tom Gall
@Andrew Goodbody
@Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan (Deactivated)
@Takis Mavrodakos (Deactivated)
@Carlos Seo
@Everton Constantino
Team Sync
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| @Everton Constantino |
| ||
| @Takis Mavrodakos (Deactivated) | Coming up to speed Neon. |
| @Krishnakumar Gopalakrishnan (Deactivated) | Has been coming up to speed with SVE within PacketMath.h, looking at Arm examples, about ½ through, is using the D05. |
| @Tom Gall | No updates from Google as of yet on the Eigen project. |