Fix for //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests:prepare-tf.mlir.test posted. A request was made for an update which has been done. Now just waiting to update to be reviewed.
Fix for //tensorflow/core/framework:model_test posted and merged
Looking at //tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/tests:const-fold.mlir.test which seems to fail as the test sees 0.841470957 and 8.414710e-01 as different.
Waiting on TF devs to see if the use of a seed will make the random data in //tensorflow/python/kernel_tests/linalg:self_adjoint_eig_op_test stable enough to make the test repeatable.
3 other unit tests need to be addressed
Unlikely to have everything in place for TF 2.9 branch cut so may have to ask for cherry picks