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Showcase the usage of Arm technologies by providing segment specific reference for seeding the ecosystem
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Automotive Blueprint
Software Defined Camera Blueprint
The Software Defined Camera Blueprint project aims to serve as a foundation for any kind of configuration that includes a camera in its design. The idea is to provide a baseline to start building projects where a camera is used, either as a central component for computer vision or as a data acquisition ancillary for robotic, automotive or artificial intelligence design. Commercially available HW such as the RockPI4, KV260 and a generic USB camera are integrated with TRS, Linaro’s secure reference boot platform. From there container runtime technology is used to segregate system functions. As such video stream acquisition and pre-filtering are done in one container while another container runs the data manipulation and inference engines. The latter can be configured to happen on the target, with or without hardware acceleration, or be offloaded to an Amazon cloud instance.