2021-11-16 Meeting notes
2021-11-16 Meeting notes
Nov 16, 2021
@Tom Gall
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| All | Name wrap up, url has been changed to ecossytemdashboard, the term “for Arm systems” will be added at the end of The Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard. |
| Zhenyu and one of his co-workers have started to add content to the site. Several pull requests outstanding, need merging rights to repo. Action: Anmar will meet with Philip to grant access so he is able to approve merge requests. | ||
| Joyce | Nothing to share this week |
| Anmar | Will meet with Philip to setup a form to push new content into the space. |
| Elsie | Nothing to share this week |
| Ebba | Action: Will update the site to utilize the term “for Arm systems” in appropriate locations. |
| Phillippe | Nothing to share this week |
Action items
@Ebba Simpson - Update the website in appropriate locations to use “for Arm systems.”
@Anmar Oueja - Meet with Philip to see about granting Zhenyu authority to merge pull requests.
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