2023-04 Update
2023-04 Update
AMD Xilinx zcu102 is now operational in LEDGE LAVA
A first PR for Document build automation is done (in support of the OpenAMP 2023.04 release)
AMP BOF session at Linaro connect
In RTOS-50 completed A53 running in Jailhouse on qemu-zcu102
In RTOS-70 E1000 PCI based NIC running in Zephyr on QEMU cortex-a53
Connect and Vacation will occupy the last week of April and first week of May
Define an outline of 2023 roadmap
Align roadmap dates at Connect with stakeholders and resource owners
Stretch Goals
Refresh the OpenAMP demo containers
Build virtio-exp branches of openamp libs, zephyr, and kvmtool in ci-builds
Submit OpenAMP CI jobs to LAVA lab (STM32MP157x-dk2 & KV260)
Presentations & Documents:
See above for the AMP BOF presentation.
Work completed this month