2023-11 Update
Completed the 2023.10 release with demo sd cards for kv260, zcu102, and stm32mp157c-dk2
Finished the upstream friendly refactor of ivshmem-flat and sent to QEMU list
Completed the AMP virtio-mmio combo demo and sent it as a PR.
Helped complete the virtio-mmio native mode work with other OpenAMP contributors
The 2023.10 release of OpenAMP bled into November and consumed time.
There were many conflicts in November: Linux Plumbers conference, US Thanksgiving, and the Yocto Project Summit. Work time will be limited after Nov 10th for part of the team.
The Linux kernel v6.5 and later are no longer compatible with the Xilinx QEMU. Ethernet no longer works.
For this reason new docker images were not created
This issue does not effect real hardware boards
Work completed this month