2023-04-05 TSC Strategic Meeting
2023-04-05 TSC Strategic Meeting
[ 1 Dial in Information ] [ 2 Agenda ] [ 3 Attendance ]
Dial in Information
Future TSC Meetings
Frequency and Content (Grant)
TSC Session at Linaro Connect (Tim)
Update on System DT (Grant)
Interest on whether to move forward or not and if so, then how?
Bill Mills presented the current status
Eric requested we discuss this at Connect and Grant agreed
Portability discussion (Grant)
Discussion around some of the factors driving the need for standardisation, portability, rapid response and certification - and how we should address them.
LPM schedule
Andrea will walk through the schedule
Andrea will check the list of recipients. Mark Burton hasn’t received the emails Andrea sent.
Slides and Recordings will be posted when available.