2023-01-11 TSC Strategic Meeting
Dial in Information
Yocto optimisation for TRS.
@Mikko Rapeli from Linaro will give an overview of some of the Yocto optimisations he's worked on for TRS - particularly around reducing size and complexity by flattening the tree and cleaning up the directory structure.
Tomas E: binary distribution of Yocto is a big of a challenge for Xilinx and they like to see this move forward. Discussion started with Grant
Tomas E: Developers and development cycle typically start with Ubuntu but when they move to production, the focus shifts to Yocto and that’s a very large jump
Virtio unification proposal
ST, Xilinx & Bill Mills will outline their thoughts on how similarities between Stratos's Virtio shared services requirements and OpenAmp coprocessor management could drive a unification of architecture.
Trilok S: Qualcomm focused on PCI and avoided MMIO. Something to think about
Trilok S: There are many hombrew RTOSs that could benefit from this so having a liberal license will help adoption
Bill M: OpenAmp is already included in a lot of homebrew RTOSs
Bill M: PCI might be overkill for co-processors. PCI works well for hypervisors type cases though
Tomas E: in the Industrial and Automotive world, the MMIO approach is preferred due to the constraints. However, PCI is more suitable for Automotive
None were raised
Slides and Recordings will be posted when available
To be posted later on.