2023-04-20 Linaro Connect TSC Strategic Meetings

2023-04-20 Linaro Connect TSC Strategic Meetings

[ 1 Summary ]


During Linaro Connect we held two in-person Strategic TSC Sessions covering four topics. Below are the presentations and notes for each topic.


UBoot Security

Ilias will discuss UBoot Security - what work we have done and are engaged in to improve it ad some proposals for further work.

Decision was to continue with existing & proposed work as PoR in Ledge but to put the WolfSSL work on hold until we can understand the licensing issues. Discuss reasons for MBedTLS licence change with Arm


SCMI Server & FFA

Vincent will discuss adding FFA as a transport layer for SCMI as a way to assign devices to VMs and Secure Partitions.



Joakim and Grant will lead the discussion:

  • Arm has solid plans for SystemReady.

  • Arm and Linaro has pretty good collaboration around various SystemReady topics.

  • In our shared attempts across Linaro to help promote SystemReady adoption in the Arm ecosystem, we would like to learn how members of Linaro approach SystemReady as of today. Are there any gaps that need and could be addressed from a Linaro context?


Joakim and Grant will lead the duiscussion:

  • At LPM in November, the Yocto project was mentioned as a potential area for Linaro with its members to step in. Can we identify those areas?

  • What is the overall health of the Yocto project? Richard Purdie's blog [1] also gives some interesting views on that.

[1] https://www.linux.com/audience/maintainer-confidential-opportunities-and-challenges-of-the-ubiquitous-but-under-resourced-yocto-project/


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