2022-09-30 WPERF Sprint 1 Retrospective
These are minutes from our first sprint in WPERF project. This sprint is done in unusual way as there’s a one major task of porting wperf and wperf-driver tools to new WDF Kernel Driver framework. This task is overshadowed by us waiting for approval for Arm’s internal wperf and wperf driver prototype. Good news is that wperf-driver got the green light, and we will be able to open-source it as soon as porting development is finished.
This sprint
wperf-driver (Windows Kernel driver) got a green light from Arm and can be open-sourced.
wperf application open-source approval is still pending but we should expect it to be approved very soon.
wperf & wperf-driver porting is ongoing. See WPERF-3 and WPERF-11
We have two working mailing lists (created by Niyas):
wperf@linaro.org - For wider project-related announcements.
team-wperf@linaro.org - For team internal discussions
All on lists should’ve received a test email from me on both lists (around Sept 20th).
Subject of test email was “Test email EOM”.
If you think you’ve not received this email or you are not on the list please contact Niyas Sait niyas.sait@linaro.org.
We have a new Slack channel #team-wperf (created by Niyas).
I can see latest invite was sent on Sept 14th by Niyas.
Unfortunately for me (@Przemyslaw Wirkus ) invitation for this channel is still pending (blocked Arm Slack admin) and I can’t join.
WindowsPerf project JIRA.
You should be able to access JIRA backlog and other project resources already: https://linaro.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/WPERF/boards/169/backlog?issueLimit=100.
WindowsPerf project Confluence.
You should be able to access confluence and other project resources already Windows Perf.
WindowsPerf staffing page is here: Performance Analysis Tool
Next sprint
Finalize wperf wperf-driver porting and open-source both.
Breakdown tasks for refactoring and bug-fixing.
Plan for above.
Other team members can already set up development environment and build and try simple Microsoft KMDF example:
I will send instructions for this in a separate email.
Windows-driver-samples/general/echo/kmdf at main · microsoft/Windows-driver-samples
kind regards,
Przemyslaw Wirkus