2023-01-09 WPERF Sprint-7 Planning

2023-01-09 WPERF Sprint-7 Planning


  • We were able to release WindowsPerf v1.0.0 in December 2022, see release 1.0 in JIRA.

    • We also released follow up version 1.0.1 which is a minor release intended to imrove on Jira output feature, see !67.

  • Sprint 6 was the longest one till now. Main goal achhieved during last sprint were:

    • Add JSON feature to wperf. This will allow third party applications to execute wperf and parse results in convenient, standarised way.

    • We now have simple Python test script which we can use to test wperf application agains wperf-driver. Test script is using simple PyTest testcases to check if pwerf output matches requirements. See wperf_cli_test.py.

  • First 1-2 weeks on January are usually busy and developers are wrapping up other things.

  • We are with sprint 7 restarting work on WindowsPerf.

  • Work with JIRA:

    • Improvement: all developers should update tickets when their status changes to e.g. in progress or close.

    • Improvement: all developers should include links to GitLab issues and merge requests related to tickets open in JIRA. This is important as it serves bridge between what we do and where to find it. It’s also a proof which is desired during development.

Pledge: This year we will focus on (in addition to curent tasks)

  • Merging and improving Sampling Model - working, but not yet ported version was implemented and presented to the team by @Jiong Wang (Deactivated) in December 2022.

  • Testing and CI/CD.

  • Sign WindowsPerf Windows driver. We need to:

    • Make sure we can release WindowsPerf as a tool developers can use (as intended):

    • We want users to use WindowsPerf the same way Linux users use perf.

    • We want hassle free Windows Kernel Driver installation (wperf-driver).

    • We want users to use WindowsPerf on their machines without need to disable e.g. SecureBoot.

Additional discussion

@Everton Constantino , @Niyas Sait (Deactivated) and @Przemyslaw Wirkus discusses future of the project. There are few concerns we have. Please see below:

  • Testing on variety of Arm HW.

    • Note: We want to test (during milestones, releases but also during development) WindowsPerf project (both driver and app) on various Arm HW. We want to cover different HW configurations.

    • Proposal: test on 2-3 widely available platforms like Volterra, Lenovo X13s.

  • Windows Driver signing may not be as easy and painless as we’ve suspected.

    • Note: if Windows driver signing is lomg process we want to release driver infrequently focusing on wperf (app) rich features and generic driver functionality - this may be hard to achieve.