Open-CMSIS-Pack Decision Committee Meeting 2022-05-30
Open-CMSIS-Pack Decision Committee Meeting 2022-05-30
Bill Fletcher (Linaro)
Joachim Krech (Arm)
Eric Finco (ST)
Kyle Dando (NXP)
Decisions and Notes
#119 “Decision process in OpenCMSIS, especially for the spec” - accepted
#28 “Component FileCategoryType GAP” - accepted
#24 “Component Licenses Gap” - accepted
#30 “Extend configuration file description to specify destination folder and filename” - rejected
The committee believes this issue needs to be better structured in order to support a decision.
#27 “CMSIS-Pack provisions for 'temporary'/'vendor specific' extensions (Gap)” - accepted
#23 “Component Discovery Gaps” -accepted