Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-10-31
Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-10-31
Joachim Krech
Evgueni Driouk
Bill Fletcher
Sourabh Mehta
Badreddine Ben Jemaa
Petr Hradsky
Matthew Gordon
Reinhard Keil
David Jurajda
Petr Hradsky
Kyle Dando
Meeting Notes
Project Boards
CMSIS-Toolbox 2.2 Project Board
CMSIS-Toolbox 2.3 Project Board
Hardware Projects
Issue #1178 created by ST
Agreement to revert PR228?
Issue #236
(Reinhard’s slides)
KD: First impression is positive. Could use as an example for new Cclass.
JK: Not only source code and libraries but also private header files (internal and API headers)
KD: Start with LWIP pack?
Would this also help with the proposal about duplicate packs?
Issues for Review
KD: Would require BSPs to be updated?
RK: Yes if you want to use the new schema, but it’s backwards compatible.
Meeting Recording
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