Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-09-05
Joachim Krech
Yoann Lopes
Sourabh Mehta
Daniel Brondani
Erik Mållberg
Bill Fletcher
David Jurajda
Evgueni Driouk
Reinhard Keil
Petr Hradsky
Badreddine Ben Jemaa
Christopher Seidl
Kyle Dando
Meeting Notes
Project Boards
Open-CMSIS-Pack Specification
CMSIS-Toolbox 2.1
Version released
CMSIS-Toolbox 2.2
Component Taxonomy
(DJ slides)
Protege taxonomy tool: protégé
DJ: A script was extracted the categories and manually imported into the tool
JK: Tool could help us to understand but in the end we need to make decisions about how we structure.
DJ: Also provides a single source of truth and is more valuable than the schema.
RK: How more valuable than the schema?
DJ: Benefit is the rules (object properties) defined between the categories e.g. pack-contains-components. Rules can be ‘has sibling’ or ‘has mother/parent’.
Some Cclass names to review and specify further
What role should Cbundle play?
Create a dedicated respository for the taxonomy definition pack.
RK: OK for company names but need to agree meaning on English words.
KD: Examples of company name issues. People use their company names for visibility. Would be more restrictive on the Cclass
Generator Workflow
(RK slides)
PH: Does this replace the previous proposal?
RK: Yes, have renamed the file and propose not to enable features that are not relevant.
Issues to Review
CMakeLists Proposal - leave comments and feedback in #1044
Meeting Recording