Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-02-28
Joachim Krech
Erik Mållberg
Luís Tonicha
Samuel Hultgren
Evgueni Driouk
Eric Finco
Vincent Grenet
Reinhard Keil
David Jurajda
Holt Sun
Meeting Notes
No updates to Specification Change Board Open-CMSIS-Pack Specification Change Board • Open-CMSIS-Pack
CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 Project Board CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 • Open-CMSIS-Pack
Status of scheduled issues has been updated to reflect CMSIS-Toolbox 1.5.0 release status
Note: All issues have been closed without waiting for people’s review and validation feedback. Please raise a new issue / bug with reference to the original issue in case the implementation does not meet expectations
CMSIS-Toolbox 1.5.0 got released on Friday Feb. 24th 2023
Raising awareness that the Open-CMSIS-Pack recommended landing page is: Open-CMSIS-Pack
This is where the purpose of the different repositories are listed and should help for people to find their way.Eric (ST) provided feedback that a colleague found it difficult to navigate to the cproject input format specification. It was suggested to treat the yaml input format similar to the CMSIS-Pack specification.
Reinhard (Arm) responded that he would prefer to keep it this way, as there is currently only one implementation (csolution)Demo of VSCode using CMSIS-Toolbox by Joachim (Arm)
The in this repository describes the steps to setup Visual Studio Code, clone the repository and build the solution relying on vcpkg-configuration.json file to install and activate thre pre-requisites: CMSIS-Toolbox (ctools), cmake, ninja and GCC arm-none-eabi toolchain.
Demonstrated new features:
compiler registration: set environment variable <compiler>_TOOLCHAIN_<major>_<minor>_<patch> to point to bin directory of the toolchain installation
e.g. Win: set AC6_TOOLCHAIN_6_19_0=c:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\bin
display registered toolchains:
csolution list toolchains -v
override compiler selection from the command line: GCC is set as default in .cdefault.yml
csolution get-started.csolution.yml convert --toolchain AC6
Topics reviewed:
#766 allow misc flags to support access sequences (does not work today)
#774 enforced component selection - proposal explained
#158 cpackget installation of required packs added in 0.9.2 does not work for complex semantic versioning quality descriptions. Can be disabled using the
command line option (work around)#773 configuration file PLM incorrectly creates a .base@version file (bug)
#43 added cbuild extension to the scope of CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 to support toolchain selection and using '*' in the specification of
build configuration
#207 Samuel (ST) explained the tables that were added by Erik (ST) explaining the different scenarios where genDir and workingDir can be specified and what the effective directories should be.
agreed that this is the first step but that we also need to agree how multiple domain specific generators can coexist without creating conflicts
clarifying /package/generators element the workingDir description:
If a <generator> is described in a <pdsc> file a relative path inworkingDir
is relative to the pdsc file
If a <generator> is described in a <gpdsc> file a relative path inworkingDir
is relative to the gpdsc file
If noworkingDir
is specified, the project directory is used.this is either the directory where the cproject.yml or clayer.yml files are located, depending on where the components associated with a generator are listed.
Note: components of a single generator must not be distributed across cproject and clayer files.
Next meeting is on 2023-03-7 @ 16:00 CET
Note that there will not be a Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Project meeting the week after next (2023-03-14) due to Embedded World 2023.
Meeting Recording