Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-02-28

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-02-28


Joachim Krech


Erik Mållberg

Luís Tonicha

Samuel Hultgren

Evgueni Driouk

Eric Finco

Vincent Grenet

Reinhard Keil

David Jurajda

Holt Sun




Meeting Notes

  • No updates to Specification Change Board Open-CMSIS-Pack Specification Change Board • Open-CMSIS-Pack

  • CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 Project Board CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 • Open-CMSIS-Pack

    • Status of scheduled issues has been updated to reflect CMSIS-Toolbox 1.5.0 release status

    • Note: All issues have been closed without waiting for people’s review and validation feedback. Please raise a new issue / bug with reference to the original issue in case the implementation does not meet expectations

  • CMSIS-Toolbox 1.5.0 got released on Friday Feb. 24th 2023

  • Raising awareness that the Open-CMSIS-Pack recommended landing page is: Open-CMSIS-Pack
    This is where the purpose of the different repositories are listed and should help for people to find their way.

  • Eric (ST) provided feedback that a colleague found it difficult to navigate to the cproject input format specification. It was suggested to treat the yaml input format similar to the CMSIS-Pack specification.
    Reinhard (Arm) responded that he would prefer to keep it this way, as there is currently only one implementation (csolution)

  • Demo of VSCode using CMSIS-Toolbox by Joachim (Arm)

    • GitHub - Open-CMSIS-Pack/vscode-get-started: Get started example for CMSIS-Toolbox in Visual Studio Code

    • The README.md in this repository describes the steps to setup Visual Studio Code, clone the repository and build the solution relying on vcpkg-configuration.json file to install and activate thre pre-requisites: CMSIS-Toolbox (ctools), cmake, ninja and GCC arm-none-eabi toolchain.

    • Demonstrated new features:

      • compiler registration: set environment variable <compiler>_TOOLCHAIN_<major>_<minor>_<patch> to point to bin directory of the toolchain installation

        • e.g. Win: set AC6_TOOLCHAIN_6_19_0=c:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\bin

      • display registered toolchains:

        • csolution list toolchains -v

      • override compiler selection from the command line: GCC is set as default in .cdefault.yml

        • csolution get-started.csolution.yml convert --toolchain AC6

  • Topics reviewed:

    • #766 allow misc flags to support access sequences (does not work today)

    • #774 enforced component selection - proposal explained

    • #158 cpackget installation of required packs added in 0.9.2 does not work for complex semantic versioning quality descriptions. Can be disabled using the -n command line option (work around)

    • #773 configuration file PLM incorrectly creates a .base@version file (bug)

    • #43 added cbuild extension to the scope of CMSIS-Toolbox 2.0 to support toolchain selection and using '*' in the specification of build configuration

    • #207 Samuel (ST) explained the tables that were added by Erik (ST) explaining the different scenarios where genDir and workingDir can be specified and what the effective directories should be.

      • agreed that this is the first step but that we also need to agree how multiple domain specific generators can coexist without creating conflicts

      • clarifying /package/generators element the workingDir description:
        If a <generator> is described in a <pdsc> file a relative path in workingDiris relative to the pdsc file
        If a <generator> is described in a <gpdsc> file a relative path in workingDiris relative to the gpdsc file
        If no workingDir is specified, the project directory is used.

        • this is either the directory where the cproject.yml or clayer.yml files are located, depending on where the components associated with a generator are listed.
          Note: components of a single generator must not be distributed across cproject and clayer files.

  • Next meeting is on 2023-03-7 @ 16:00 CET

  • Note that there will not be a Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Project meeting the week after next (2023-03-14) due to Embedded World 2023.

Meeting Recording


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