Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-10-10

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-10-10


Reinhard Keil

David Jurajda

David Lesnjak

Daniel Brondani


Bill Fletcher

Evgueni Driouk

Sourabh Mehta

Eric Finco

Badreddine Ben Jemaa

Erik Mållberg

Petr Hradsky

Matthew Gordon

Frédéric Ruellé

Holt Sun

Kyle Dando


Meeting Notes

Project Boards

2.2.0 Release

Backlog of features for 2.2.0 showing in the Project Board so request to add any further new features to 2.3.0 in order not to delay the 2.2.0 release. Not proposing to change the way of working. ST logfile issue is ‘in progress’ for 2.2.0 so no change for that.

Simplified Generator Proposal #1112

  • Demo

  • Next Steps

Discussion about Taxonomy

FR: Taxonomy seems no so restrictive today. Do you plan to be more ‘coercitive’?

DB: Think it’s currently too flexible, so yes.

KD: Feedback was possible to have 1 component fall under 2 identifiers - which one to choose? Same pack could be under security or diagnostics.

(from the chat)



FR: Very good point from David, the classification is also used for identification

Issues to Review


Meeting Recording