Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-07-18

Open-CMSIS-Pack Technical Meeting 2023-07-18


Bill Fletcher


Daniel Brondani


Joachim Krech

Eric Finco

Evgueni Driouk

David Jurajda


Holt Sun

Kyle Dando



Meeting Notes

Project Boards

#206 Re running Generators in Dry-run mode

JK: Would like people to review what is proposed

#240 Extend condition behaviour with exclusive OR

ED: Not an issue for backward compatibility. Older tools won’t complain. Newer tool would report a warning.

TS: If using this condition, it’s on new territory. It will complain about it but not do the right thing.

JK: Older tools will just complain about the major version. Want to introduce a feature flag?

TS: Something to indicate that the pack is using features that are not in this version.

2.1 Project Board

TS: Crash fix that went in last week is a candidate if there’s a fix release planned.

TS: PR: 1007 got feedback that it’s not done the right way but no follow up.

JK: Wanted to agree on this concept first.

TS: Question I want answered is how to identify the generator in a unique way. In the callback I have no idea which generator called.

DB: Would accept this suggestion but would like others to comment. If no other suggestions/objections then we can go ahead.

Issues to Review

Which distributions should we target?

TS: Don’t have a strong view. ST internal tools are built on Ubuntu 18.04. Suggest to use the oldest LTS that is still in maintenance.

KD (via chat): NXP tests our IDE tool release with 22.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS. Usual plan on each OS, the last 2 variants. No Debian tests.

#1044 Investigate new CMakeLists.txt generation

DB: Please write any requirements or usecases

Next Meeting

Due to the vacation period, the next meeting will be 22nd August 2023 !!!

Meeting Recording


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